Friends of the Earth (Malta) urges all catering establishments that normally throw away used vegetable oil to get in touch with Edible Oil Refining Co Ltd so that used oil can be collected for the production of biodiesel. Legal Notice 8/93 (sewer discharge regulations) stipulates that all catering establishments should install a grease trap in order...
Category: News
Government should go for two-way
Given that Malta does not seem likely to obtain derogation to retain glass for soft drinks, the government should now push for a two-way bottling system for all beverages. A two-way system for beverages will mean much less waste will end up on our dumps and Malta already has an excellent track record collecting and...
MEPA doublespeak – landfill site selection process should be widened
During a recent meeting held between officials of the ‘Malta Environment and Planning Authority’ and ‘Friends of the Earth (Malta)’ MEPA officials confirmed that it had received an application from government to develop an engineered landfill at either of two designated sites, at Tal-Harrub, Benghisa or Il-Ghallis ta’ Gewwa. Friends of the Earth representatives were...
Waste management strategy needs adjusting
The waste management strategy that the government has adopted could fall short of being a big step forward for Malta, Friends of the Earth (Malta) said today. Unless certain adjustments are made to the strategy, Malta could find itself moving in the wrong direction and environmental NGOs, such as Friends of the Earth, would withdraw...
FoE welcomes waste strategy
Friends of Earth (Malta) welcomes government’s decision to adopt the waste management strategy recommended by EU approved consultants Carl Bro without incineration as a waste management option. The strategy represents a very big step forward for Malta and FoE recognises the government’s maturity in considering incineration and deciding against it. FoE (Malta) is interested to...
Figures used to justify need for incineration are wrong
The figures used by the EU approved consultants to justify the need for incineration in Malta are wrong, Friends of the Earth can confirm today. Although consultant Michael Betts is claiming that incineration is the only proven technology which could further reduce the volume of biodegradable waste after separation at source and composting, Friends of...
Important information about waste management strategy being kept from the public
While the public is being asked to comment on Malta’s proposed waste management strategy by 21 August, this is proving to be difficult because very important information is being kept out of the public domain. The waste management strategy prepared by EU approved consultants Carl Bro, is based on figures and assumptions that are being...
Environment Minister suggesting anti-environment options
Moviment ghall-Ambjent cannot agree with Environment Minister Francis Zammit Dimech when he suggests that inert waste should be used to reclaim parts of the coastline or to construct small islands off the coast. The minister would seem to be trying to influence the public in ways which are not acceptable and this at a time...
Waste Expert presents viable alternative for Malta’s waste management strategy
Waste expert Enzo Favoino suggested a viable alternative to the strategy being proposed by EU approved consultants in meetings with the Environment Minister and the team set up to decide on a waste management strategy for Malta. While the EU consultants favour source separation, recycling, incineration and landfilling, Favoino showed that Malta could have a...
Incineration not necessary for Malta
The waste management strategy that has been proposed to the government is based on old figures and is biased in favour of incineration Moviment ghall-Ambjent, Friends of the Earth (Malta) said today. The waste strategy as has been proposed does not indicate why incineration is being suggested for the Maltese Islands in about ten years....