Category: Nature

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Over 5500 submissions sent to support public domain sites

Over 5500 submissions sent to support public domain sites

Friends of the Earth Malta and Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar would like to thank the 5500 citizens who voiced their support in having 24 sites* protected under the public domain act. Notwithstanding the fact that the public consultation took place in the middle of summer, the overwhelming response clearly shows that Maltese people value nature...

Why Malta desperately needs more trees

Why Malta desperately needs more trees

Despite the objective necessity to make Malta greener, trees do not enjoy particularly high respect here. Every week we are presented with disquieting images of trees being uprooted and replaced with yet another concrete structure. It is time to challenge the current under appreciation of trees and to recognize their indispensible role in our everyday...

The best time to act is now

The best time to act is now

Maltese citizens are facing health and social challenges that merit urgent attention – obesity, mental health problems, respiratory diseases such as asthma, social exclusion, air, light and noise pollution – the list goes on and on. These issues particularly affect socio-economically disadvantaged and vulnerable groups and put pressure on already stretched health budgets.There has never...

Have you seen jellyfish this summer ?

Have you seen jellyfish this summer ?

Friends of the Earth Malta is once again supporting the Spot the Jellyfish initiative which aims to increase awareness, especially amongst the younger generations, about the local diversity of jellyfish species, through a hands-on exercise involving the reporting of sightings of jellyfish that often swarm close to our shores and beaches. In so doing the initiative would...

Spot the alien fish campaign

Spot the alien fish campaign

Friends of the Earth Malta is collaborating in a University of Malta citizen science campaign dealing with non-indigenous alien fish species. Headed by Prof. Alan Deidun (Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science), and with the co-operation of the International Ocean Institute, the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection...

Therapy through Nature project kicks off with gardening workshop & clean-up

Therapy through Nature project kicks off with gardening workshop & clean-up

In the Therapy through Nature project, Friends of the Earth Malta has partnered with the Richmond Foundation to engage their clients and support staff in nature therapy activities at the garden of Villa Chelsea, a therapeutic community managed by the Richmond Foundation that provides a residential and day community-based programme and respite care for persons...

Friends of the Earth Malta calls on political parties to safeguard our wellbeing

Friends of the Earth Malta calls on political parties to safeguard our wellbeing

Friends of the Earth Malta has been calling for environmental improvements since 1985 and, thirty years on we face much greater problems than we did then. While environmental awareness has increased, Malta faces a variety of environmental problems related to land use, waste, transport, agriculture, energy, the sea, and biodiversity. Malta has lost far too...

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