Category: Activism

Anthropocene – A Dystopian Legacy / (Patria)

Anthropocene – A Dystopian Legacy / (Patria)

We have finally started using the Green Resource Centre–a hub for environmentally-related activities. We are excited to be opening the doors to the public with the launch of a photography exhibition by artist Kevin Mallan. The project deals with the environment and aims to question current socio-economic practices predominantly within national territory. Anthropocene – A...

People have their calling, this is mine

People have their calling, this is mine

Interview with Perit Edward Said from Friends of Villa Frere It is no secret that Malta has, for some time, been going through what seems like a never-ending campaign to build-up every square-inch of the island; all in the name of progress and the ‘betterment’ of our country. Tasteless buildings are replacing some of Malta’s...

Giving up is not an option

Giving up is not an option

The question of what drives an activist to pursue their cause, in a country which has historically not been kind to those who voice an opposing opinion, has always fascinated me. For Steve Bonello, a veteran Maltese cartoonist, shying behind the idea that any issues which face Malta today can be considered as a problem...

Volunteers’ Day

Volunteers’ Day

Update to the info below. We will be meeting at the Valletta Volunteer Centre for the meeting. With the opening of the new Friends of the Earth Malta office space and environmental hub, we would like to welcome people who want to volunteer with us. We will be hosting an information session for all those who...

Citizens demand alternative vision for urban development and transport projects

Citizens demand alternative vision for urban development and transport projects

We are a group of environmental NGOs, voluntary organisations and active citizens who wish to voice our concerns in unison and feel the urgent need to put forward an alternative vision to the way urban development and transport projects are being planned and executed. We believe piecemeal projects such as the Kappara Junction, Marsa Junction,...

1*c – Rising  Stories from the front lines of climate change

1*c – Rising Stories from the front lines of climate change

Stories from the front lines of climate change – 1*C Rising – is a collection of visuals accompanied by interviews, essays and quotes that elevates the voices from the Global South to the North, uncovering the culprits of climate impacts and environmental degradation while honoring those defending, resisting and protecting. These stories summarized in a...

ITS Pembroke

Press Conference: Do Not Bury Us Alive

Today, residents, local councils and NGOs have come together to express their concerns at the project proposed by the db Group on the ITS site. After having carefully read the developer’s description and the Environment Impact Assessment prepared as part of the full development application process, and after having consulted with residents in a very...

Ecofeminism: For Emancipation Of Women And The Planet

Ecofeminism: For Emancipation Of Women And The Planet

This article was first published as part of the Isles of the Left‘s series of articles commemorating the International Women’s Day. It is through re-establishing compassionate connections between people and abolishing the social hierarchy that nature can once again be valued. Women are disproportionately affected by environmental injustice, climate change, natural disasters and the exploitation...

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