Eco-feminism is the key!
ONLINEFriends of the Earth Malta is partnering up with V'cenza Cirefice, a PhD Researcher at NUI Galway, and Young Progressive Beings for the online webinar Eco-feminism is the key! How is feminism and environmental justice related? This workshop explores ecofeminist theory and activism, highlighting the links between feminism and environmentalism. We'll explore together why we need...
Short films – Food Systems & Alternative Agriculture
ONLINEFriends of the Earth Malta will be hosting a curated online short film selection, showing films that touch on food systems, alternative agriculture, and humans' relationship with animals. The films will be accessible for only 4 days from the 10th to 13th December. This event is part of the Meatless Monday project, which aims at...
Online Cooking Class – Holiday Season Special (Fully Booked)
ONLINEFriends of the Earth Malta together with Healthylicious will be hosting an online Sustainable Cooking Workshop with vegan holiday recipes on Saturday, 12 December from 10:00-13:00. The workshop will be...
CANCELLED // Raise your voice : How can the EGD shape your future in Malta and in the EU?
Friends of the Earth Malta Friends of the Earth Malta, Floriana, MaltaUnfortunately, due to low participation, this event has been cancelled. You can instead join this fun and interactive escape game session : on Saturday 13th March !
Generation Green New Deal — Film Screening
ONLINEJoin us for a short and motivating online film screening & watch party of the 25 min long "Generation Green New Deal", directed by Sam Eilertsen, on Wednesday 17th March,...
ONLINE , Malta// CANCELLED // Unfortunately we have had to cancel this event. We hope to see you soon at other Friends of the Earth Malta events! Solve the biggest issue yet...
Online Cooking Class – fully booked
ONLINEFriends of the Earth Malta together with Healthylicious and ESN Malta will be hosting an ONLINE Sustainable Cooking Workshop on Wednesday 21 April from 17:00-20:00 for all ESN Members and youth. The workshop will be held using Zoom. The focus of the cooking class will be on using local vegetables in solidarity with local farmers...
Online Cooking Class – ESN Members and other Students
ONLINEFriends of the Earth Malta together with Healthylicious and ESN Malta will be hosting an ONLINE Sustainable Cooking Workshop on Friday 07 May from 17:00 to 20:00 for all ESN Members, Universit Students and other Youth. The workshop will be held using Zoom. The focus of the cooking class will be exploring sustainable cooking and...
Online Cooking Class General Public
ONLINEFriends of the Earth Malta together with Healthylicious will be hosting an online Sustainable Cooking Workshop with vegetarian recipes on Saturday, 8 May from 10:00-13:00. The workshop will be held using Zoom. The focus of the cooking class will be on using local vegetables in solidarity with local farmers who have been struggling to sell...