The final event of the Through the lens project will consist of an exhibition portraying the nature photography work taken in Malta’s Natura 2000 sites by our youth participants. The exhibition will open on Friday at 6pm (till 10pm) and Saturday from noon till 5pm at the MCVS Centre in Melita Street Valletta (click for directions)....
Category: News
The battle to feed the world: David versus Goliath
Monday the 17th April marks the International Day of Peasant Struggles. These ‘peasants’, or paysan in French, are the millions of small farmers who currently produce the majority of the world’s food. They are the David struggling against the agribusiness Goliath – the large corporations consolidating control over global food production. There is little in...
Nature secret weapon in fight for better health
Research has found that failing to provide access to nature to deprived communities could entrench health inequality. A review of available evidence points to a strong link between lack of access to nature areas and poor health outcomes and inequality. It associates nature deprivation with higher obesity levels, mental health problems, and mortality rates. The...
‘Outright abuse’ of ODZ land as application proposes development of old quarry
Friends of the Earth Malta together with Nature Trust Malta – NTM, Ramblers Malta, FAA Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Front Ħarsien ODZ and BirdLife Malta are concerned about an ODZ application (PA 01464/17) in the outskirts of Marsascala which is proposing the conversion of a long-abandoned quarry into a restaurant and other commercial outlets....
Stop sacrificing nature & human rights to make cookies!
Friends of the Earth Malta has launched a petition under the European wide SUPPLY CHA!NGE project aimed at stopping abuse against nature and indigenous peoples in the supply chains of European businesses. The SUPPLY CHA!NGE project has looked at the international industries supplying Europe with cheap agricultural raw materials from the global south, and found...
Stop squeezing out the orange juice workers
Twenty five thousand people from around Europe are asking to “stop the squeeze out and make orange juice fair”, The petition launched by members of the international SUPPLY CHA!NGE campaign carried out a stunt in front of the Hilton Hotel in Antwerp, Belgium. Caged in a massive trolley they attracted the attention of 100s of...
Lichens unleashed at Science in the City & Notte Bianca
Lichens, the barely noticed organisms that are a ubiquitous presence in Malta’s urban areas, are about to take centre stage. They are being used as artistic muses for Lichen It!, a project which is serving as an introduction to urban ecology by highlighting the close relationship between nature and art. Lichens can be thought of...
‘Right to Nature – Inspiring Active Citizenship’ report launched
The ‘Right to Nature – Inspiring Active Citizenship’ report was launched during the ‘Activists by the Sea’ event organised by Friends of the Earth Malta in conjunction with Front Harsien ODZ. The report presents the outcomes of the Right to Nature seminar held last March, which covered five aspects of environmental management in Malta, namely:...
Old Comino bakery could go green to attract Blue Lagoon crowds
Friends of the Earth Malta is hoping to breathe new life into Comino’s old bakery to help ease the tourist pressures plaguing the tiny island. The bakery, located close to Santa Marija bay, once provided bread for Comino’s resident community but fell into disrepair as the population dwindled to nothing. Now, Friends of the Earth...
‘Activists by the Sea’ – Launch and networking event
Friends of the Earth Malta together with Front Ħarsien ODZ will be launching a report detailing threats and opportunities in several environmental areas, at a networking event on Saturday 27th August 2016. ‘Activists by the Sea’, aims to create a platform for informal discussion between local activists and members of NGOs, who were encouraged to...