Category: Nature

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Citizens demand alternative vision for urban development and transport projects

Citizens demand alternative vision for urban development and transport projects

We are a group of environmental NGOs, voluntary organisations and active citizens who wish to voice our concerns in unison and feel the urgent need to put forward an alternative vision to the way urban development and transport projects are being planned and executed. We believe piecemeal projects such as the Kappara Junction, Marsa Junction,...

EU-wide ban on bee-harming pesticides passed

EU-wide ban on bee-harming pesticides passed

Tremendous victory for our bees and the wider environment. EU governments today passed a total ban on bee-harming neonicotinoid pesticides on outdoor crops. [1] This comprehensive neonicotinoid ban, covering all outdoor crops, is a tremendous victory for our bees and the wider environment. The European Commission must now focus on developing a strong pollinator initiative...

ITS Pembroke

Press Conference: Do Not Bury Us Alive

Today, residents, local councils and NGOs have come together to express their concerns at the project proposed by the db Group on the ITS site. After having carefully read the developer’s description and the Environment Impact Assessment prepared as part of the full development application process, and after having consulted with residents in a very...


FoE Malta welcomes valley restoration programme with pollinators in mind

Demands pollinators strategy for Malta Friends of the Earth Malta welcomes the recent announcement by the Ministry for the Environment as it embarks on an extensive valley restoration programme aimed at restoring ecosystems and planting species which are important for bees and other pollinators. FoE Malta has been raising awareness on the importance of honey...

FoE Malta recommends holistic policy for trees

FoE Malta recommends holistic policy for trees

Submission of Friends of the Earth Malta in response to Public Consultation – Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations & Guidelines on Works involving Trees    FoE Malta has recently submitted its recommendations as part of the public consultation exercise for the Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations put forward by the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA)....

The buzz about bees

The buzz about bees

For a few years now, Friends of the Earth Malta has been organising the BeeAware course, a collection of lectures and practical sessions aimed at providing aspiring beekeepers and those interested to learn more about bees and pollinators with practical information, scientific background and knowledge from local beekeepers with years of experience. We believe in...

Honey for your Honey

Honey for your Honey

How about getting some delicious honey for your loved ones?! Here at FoE Malta we currently have a number of bee hives with colonies of the Maltese Honey Bee. The honey bees have been having a very rough time lately with all the unsustainable agricultural practices, loss of ODZ land, and climate change. At FoE...

BeeAware Course

BeeAware Course

Fully Booked! (Fill in the form below to register on the waiting list)  A BeeAware Course is being organised as part of our Nature Therapy and BeeCause initatives. This course intends to give people the opportunity to get involved in beekeeping and to train qualified volunteers to volunteer with Friends of the Earth Malta. This introductory course...

Nature Therapy open day at Villa Chelsea

Nature Therapy open day at Villa Chelsea

Together, Friends of the Earth Malta and the Richmond Foundation, have designed and implemented the Nature Therapy project. Through workshops and activities such as vegetable and herb planting, composting, pollinator friendly flower planting, and building garden furniture from pallets, the project engages the clients and support staff of the community at Villa Chelsea in nature...

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