Category: Environmental Education and Activism

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Volunteers’ Day

Volunteers’ Day

Update to the info below. We will be meeting at the Valletta Volunteer Centre for the meeting. With the opening of the new Friends of the Earth Malta office space and environmental hub, we would like to welcome people who want to volunteer with us. We will be hosting an information session for all those who...

Citizens demand alternative vision for urban development and transport projects

Citizens demand alternative vision for urban development and transport projects

We are a group of environmental NGOs, voluntary organisations and active citizens who wish to voice our concerns in unison and feel the urgent need to put forward an alternative vision to the way urban development and transport projects are being planned and executed. We believe piecemeal projects such as the Kappara Junction, Marsa Junction,...

1*c – Rising  Stories from the front lines of climate change

1*c – Rising Stories from the front lines of climate change

Stories from the front lines of climate change – 1*C Rising – is a collection of visuals accompanied by interviews, essays and quotes that elevates the voices from the Global South to the North, uncovering the culprits of climate impacts and environmental degradation while honoring those defending, resisting and protecting. These stories summarized in a...

Beverage Container Refund Scheme

Beverage Container Refund Scheme

Public Consultation We are very pleased to see that in May 2018, the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change have put forward a proposal for the Beverage Container Refund Scheme (BCRS), that is open for public consultation until the 30th of June. This is one measure through which Malta is trying to...

ITS Pembroke

Press Conference: Do Not Bury Us Alive

Today, residents, local councils and NGOs have come together to express their concerns at the project proposed by the db Group on the ITS site. After having carefully read the developer’s description and the Environment Impact Assessment prepared as part of the full development application process, and after having consulted with residents in a very...

Ecofeminism: For Emancipation Of Women And The Planet

Ecofeminism: For Emancipation Of Women And The Planet

This article was first published as part of the Isles of the Left‘s series of articles commemorating the International Women’s Day. It is through re-establishing compassionate connections between people and abolishing the social hierarchy that nature can once again be valued. Women are disproportionately affected by environmental injustice, climate change, natural disasters and the exploitation...

The buzz about bees

The buzz about bees

For a few years now, Friends of the Earth Malta has been organising the BeeAware course, a collection of lectures and practical sessions aimed at providing aspiring beekeepers and those interested to learn more about bees and pollinators with practical information, scientific background and knowledge from local beekeepers with years of experience. We believe in...

Fight Single-Use Plastics

Fight Single-Use Plastics

Let the European Commission know what you think about Single Use Plastics and Marine Litter In January 2018 the European Commission published their Strategy on Plastics in the Circular Economy, which sets out goals to reduce plastic use, increase the rate of recycling, and ensure that by 2030 all plastics produced are reusable or recyclable. Read more...

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