Category: Activism

New climate report by IPCC shows accelerating impacts

New climate report by IPCC shows accelerating impacts

The UN’s International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently published the sixth assessment report on the impacts, adaptation and vulnerability of climate change. It’s the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding,...

The climate crisis is here: time for a fossil free future for Malta!

The climate crisis is here: time for a fossil free future for Malta!

Over 10 years ago, Friends of the Earth Malta was actively campaigning for a Climate Bill in Malta, as part of the campaign ‘The Big Ask’. In this European campaign, Friends of the Earth groups in 16 Member States were calling on their governments to create climate change laws. In Malta, this goal was achieved...

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