Friends of the Earth Malta together with eleven other organisations representing a broad spectrum of society filed a judicial protest...
Press Releases
Concreting of country pathways raises concern of NGOs
Friends of the Earth Malta together with eleven other environment NGOs are concerned by the use of concrete in various...
Significant win in the fight against the db Group project on the ITS site
Today’s decision of the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal is a significant win in the fight against the monstrous db...
Updated: Communities come together to request urgent Corinthia debate
Update (08/02/2019) : Following the Environment and Development Planning Committee as requested by NGOs, residents’ groups and three Local Councils the...
The white flag scheme saga
Without getting into the merits of whether the white flag scheme was a fraud or not, FoE Malta believes that...
EU agrees unprecedented cuts to single-use plastics
However reduction targets missing and collection targets delayed Friends of the Earth Malta (FoE Malta) welcomes the EU’s finalised new...
ITS appeal filed, thanks to public support
An appeal has been filed with the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal (EPRT) against the decision of the PA Board...
Farmers, consumers and activists come together across Europe to call for urgent change of food and farming
Join us to push for good food & good farming at Ta’Qali farmers’ market on the 27th of October This...
UN climate report shows Europe must kick fossil fuel addiction
The fossil fuel age has to end: that’s the message of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. To have...
Fundraising for legal action against the db Group project
Following approval by the Planning Authority (PA) of the db Group project on the ITS site, residents, eight NGOs and...
Press Conference: Proposed ITS development does not respect people and the environment
(english version below) Ninsabu hawn illum għal din l-aħħar konferenza stampa qabel il-Bord tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar jiddeċiedi jekk jagħtix il-permess lid-db...