However reduction targets missing and collection targets delayed Friends of the Earth Malta (FoE Malta) welcomes the EU’s finalised new laws to reduce single-use plastics. After months of intense negotiations, the EU has agreed much-anticipated laws to slash single-use plastics in the EU. The agreed text is a significant step forward in tackling plastic pollution,...
Category: Resource use
Repair Café: a returning event at our Green Resource Centre
During the European Week for Waste Reduction, we organised a Repair Café at our newly opened Julian Manduca Green Resource Centre in Floriana. A repair café is a community space where anyone is welcome to learn how to fix broken household goods, a place where you can find the tools, materials and know-how to get...
ITS appeal filed, thanks to public support
An appeal has been filed with the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal (EPRT) against the decision of the PA Board that recently approved the db Group project on the ITS site in Pembroke. The seventeen appellants include residents, NGOs and three local councils – Pembroke, St. Julian’s and Swieqi. Filing this appeal was only made...
Where there is resistance, there is hope
Interview with Andre Callus activist from Moviment Graffitti The videos of activists from Moviment Graffitti being forcefully dragged out by the Rapid Intervention Unit during a non-violent protest last month felt surreal. Images of force being used against protesters usually hail from some far away country. While Maltese activists have faced violence in the past,...
Fundraising for legal action against the db Group project
Following approval by the Planning Authority (PA) of the db Group project on the ITS site, residents, eight NGOs and three Local Councils – Pembroke, St. Julian’s and Swieqi – want to undertake legal action to challenge the appalling decision of the PA. Legal actions include, but are not limited to, an appeal with the...
Press Conference: Proposed ITS development does not respect people and the environment
(english version below) Ninsabu hawn illum għal din l-aħħar konferenza stampa qabel il-Bord tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar jiddeċiedi jekk jagħtix il-permess lid-db Group biex jagħmel il-proġett tiegħu fuq is-sit fejn sa ftit ilu kien hemm l-ITS. Minn Frar li għadda, ir-residenti ta’ Pembroke, bl-għajnuna tal-għaqdiet u bl-involviment tal-Kunsilli Lokali ta’ Pembroke, San Ġiljan u s-Swieqi, mexxew il-kampanja...
The Great Fire of Magħtab: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
The spark that set off the 31st August Magħtab fire which blanketed the whole island was lit decades ago. This article was first published as part of the Isles of the Left‘s environment section Very few might imagine that what is currently referred to as Mount Magħtab was originally a valley. Truckloads of unseparated waste tipped their...
Reduction of single-use plastic paramount to tackling plastic pollution
FoE Malta submits recommendations on single use plastics Friends of the Earth Malta (FoE Malta) welcomes the publication of the Proposal for a Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment by the European Commission. It is designed to prevent and reduce the impact of certain plastic products on...
Anthropocene – A Dystopian Legacy / (Patria)
We have finally started using the Green Resource Centre–a hub for environmentally-related activities. We are excited to be opening the doors to the public with the launch of a photography exhibition by artist Kevin Mallan. The project deals with the environment and aims to question current socio-economic practices predominantly within national territory. Anthropocene – A...
FoE Malta proposes a more comprehensive Beverage Container Refund Scheme
Friends of the Earth Malta (FoE Malta) supports the introduction of the Beverage Container Refund Scheme (BCRS) that the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change has proposed. FoE Malta is pleased that a deposit scheme will be implemented by the end of 2019. This is a step in the right direction to...