Category: Education


Intafflu u Nfasslu

Friends of the Earth Malta qed jikkollaboraw ma’ l-Iskola ta’ l-Arti biex jorganizzaw workshops informali bl-għan li jtejbu l-kommunikazzjoni u jsaħħu r-relazzjoni bejn ġenerazzjonijiet differenti. Se nirriflettu dwar kif spazji komunitarji jistgħu jaqdu lil nies ta’ kull età fis-soċjetà. Din l-attività se ssir nhar is-Sibt 17 ta’ Frar il-Malta School of Art, fil-Belt Valletta. Parteċipanti:...

BeeAware Course

BeeAware Course

Fully Booked! (Fill in the form below to register on the waiting list)  A BeeAware Course is being organised as part of our Nature Therapy and BeeCause initatives. This course intends to give people the opportunity to get involved in beekeeping and to train qualified volunteers to volunteer with Friends of the Earth Malta. This introductory course...

Nature Therapy open day at Villa Chelsea

Nature Therapy open day at Villa Chelsea

Together, Friends of the Earth Malta and the Richmond Foundation, have designed and implemented the Nature Therapy project. Through workshops and activities such as vegetable and herb planting, composting, pollinator friendly flower planting, and building garden furniture from pallets, the project engages the clients and support staff of the community at Villa Chelsea in nature...

Bee Sustainable – School of Sustainability Activist Camp

Bee Sustainable – School of Sustainability Activist Camp

Due to the effects of intensive agricultural practices and pesticide use, climate change, the decrease in rainfall, hotter summers and droughts, the bee population has been even more strained these past few years, with honey-bee keepers in Malta loosing up to half of their colonies. Friends of the Earth Malta has already been organising a...

Let’s talk about air pollution…

Let’s talk about air pollution…

What do we know about air pollution? Air pollution is more complex than we think and tackling this issue it’s actually a huge challenge because we are all part of it. Yet, it is quite difficult to understand what are we doing wrong and what kind of pollutants we create through  our daily routine. It is...

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