Intafflu u Nfasslu

Friends of the Earth Malta qed jikkollaboraw ma’ l-Iskola ta’ l-Arti biex jorganizzaw workshops informali bl-għan li jtejbu l-kommunikazzjoni u jsaħħu r-relazzjoni bejn ġenerazzjonijiet differenti. Se nirriflettu dwar kif spazji komunitarji jistgħu jaqdu lil nies ta’ kull età fis-soċjetà. Din l-attività se ssir nhar is-Sibt 17 ta’ Frar il-Malta School of Art, fil-Belt Valletta.

Parteċipanti: L-attività hi miftuħa għal mhux iktar minn 20 persuna: 10 nies anzjani u 10 tfal ta’ bejn 7 u 11-il sena.
Deskrizzjoni ta’ l-attività:
Il-workshop se jkun maqsum f’żewġ partijiet: narrazjoni ta’ stejjer u diskusskoni, imbagħad sessjoni li tħeġġeġ il-kreattività, fejn ħa nużaw żebgħa u tafal.
9.00 – 10.30 – għas-sessjoni ta’ stejjer u diskussjoni ser naħdmu fi gruppi żgħar. Il-parteċipanti anzjani ser jiddeskrivu postijiet f’Malta bl-użu ta’ ritratti li ħa jġibu magħhom. Ser jaqsmu sentimenti personali abbinati ma’ dan il-post, kif inbidel maż-żmien, u x’kien ifisser għall-kommunità. It-tfal ukoll se jiddiskutu xi jħobbu fi spazji komunitali u x’jixtiequ li jaraw isir f’tali postijiet. Minn din id-diskussjoni il-parteċipanti se jiżviluppaw punti ta’ x’għandu jkollu l-ispazju ideali biex ikun tajjeb kemm għall-anzjani kif ukoll għat-tfal.
10.30 – 11.00 – Waqfa ta’ nofs siegħa fejn se nservu xi ikel ħafif.
11.00 – 13.00 – Sessjoni ta’ Kreattività. Se naħdmu fi gruppi u nużaw żebgħa u pniezel biex flimkien inpinġu mappa ta’ l-ispazju ideali li ġie diskuss fis-sessjoni ta’ qabel. Se nagħmlu ukoll figuri tat-tafal biex noħolqu rappreżentazzjoni tridimensjonali ta’ l-ispazju.
Aktar ‘il quddiem, dawn il-figuri tat-tafal se jingħataw lill-parteċipanti bħala rikordju tal-attività wara li l-figuri jinħmew fl-iskola tal-arti.
Nitolbukom iġġibu magħkom :
  • ritratt qadim ta’ post f’Malta li għandu valur personali
  • pniezel taż-żebgħa, jekk għandkom.
Se nużaw żebgħa (poster paint), karti u tafal (dawn il-materjali se nipprovduhom aħna).
Jekk għandkom xi mistoqsijiet dwar din l-attivita, ikkuntatjaw lil Anastasia fuq

Friends of the Earth Malta in collaboration with Malta School of Art are organising an informal workshops that facilitates communication between people from different generations and develop a relationship with each other, their imminent space and reflect on how a community space can tailor for people of all age groups in society. This event will be held on Saturday the 17th of February at the Malta School of Art in Valletta. 

Participants: The event is open for a maximum of 20 participants. 10 elderly people and 10 children between the age of 7 to 11. 

Workshop Outline: The workshop will be divided into two parts: a story-telling and discussion session and a more creative, and hands-on session where media such as paints and clay will be used.

9:00–10:30 — For the story telling and discussion part of the workshop we will work in smaller groups. The elderly participants will describe a place in Malta with the aid of photographs that they bring with them and share personal sentiment associated with the space, how the location changed with time and what was the community value of the space. The children will also share what they enjoy in community spaces and what they want to see more of in localities in Malta. From this sharing they will develop the key points of what an ideal space would be like to cater both for the elderly and for the younger generation.  

10:30–11:00 — 30min break will refreshments.
11:00–13:00 — Hands-on Session. We will be working in the groups and use paints and brushes to paint a map together of their ideal space that they have previously discussed.  We will also make items out of clay to make a 3D representation of the space in 3D.
These clay figures will then be baked at the school and will be returned to the participants on a later date as a keepsake of the workshop. 
Bring with you:
  • an old photo of a place in Malta which has personal value.
  • Paint Brushes that you may have.
We will be using poster paints, paper and clay (material will be provided)

If you would like to participate please fill in the form below

If you have any questions about the workshop, contact Anastasia on

This workshop is part of a series for the School of Sustainability Projects (financed by the European Commission) which allows FoE Malta to implement informal educational activities to develop mindsets based on the principles of sustainability and trigger action for environmental protection and social justice. More information on School of Sustainability can be accessed here.


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