Category: Climate Change

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20th September – Climate Strike

20th September – Climate Strike

Why strike? The climate crisis is the most pertinent global issue that we are facing. We must demand that politicians make decisions to safeguard the future now, not later! The change in climate is already affecting those most vulnerable, with communities losing their homes, be it sea level rise, natural disasters, or are people are...

Meat consumption and its impact on the environment

Meat consumption and its impact on the environment

By eating meat and dairy food products, one could potentially be affecting climate change drastically. This is due to such a large demand for these food groups that is already unsustainable as it is, considering the fact that these products are some of the most harmful to the environment when compared to other food groups....

1*c – Rising  Stories from the front lines of climate change

1*c – Rising Stories from the front lines of climate change

Stories from the front lines of climate change – 1*C Rising – is a collection of visuals accompanied by interviews, essays and quotes that elevates the voices from the Global South to the North, uncovering the culprits of climate impacts and environmental degradation while honoring those defending, resisting and protecting. These stories summarized in a...

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