NGOs opposing the urban village being proposed by Hili Group on Comino are vowing to fight on to save the islet from further commercialisation and over-construction. The Court of Appeal turned down the NGO appeal over the adequacy of the Appropriate Assessment Report which was given the thumbs up by ERA.
Author: Maria FoE Malta (Maria Fsadni)
Empowering Youth Workers to Foster Resilient Communities
YOUTHECO, a 2-year Erasmus+ project, is making significant strides in strengthening the employability of young people, particularly marginalized youth, by equipping them with essential skills for the green economy. The consortium consists of 6 EU countries: Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Malta, Poland, and Slovenia.
Power to the People!
YOUTHECO: Erasmus+ Project Empowering Youth for a Sustainable Future
YOUTHECO, a 2-year Erasmus+ project, is making significant strides in strengthening the employability of young people, particularly marginalized youth, by equipping them with essential skills for the green economy. The consortium consists of 6 EU countries: Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Malta, Poland, and Slovenia.
Friends of the Earth Malta Empowers Youth with Cycling Workshop
Earlier this year, Friends of the Earth Malta (FoEM) kicked off its Youth and Environment Activism Programme. By organising a weekly Youth Hub session, the programme seeks to empower young people to become change-makers and activists within their communities whilst providing a platform for young individuals to develop skills in environmental, climate, and social justice while enjoying themselves and making new connections in a safe space. The programme is an Atlas Insurance Community Involvement Fund Project.
FoEE AGM Coming to Malta
During last year’s Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE) Annual General Meeting (AGM), it was decided to hold the 2024 AGM in Malta. Excitement filled the air as it was announced that we will host the next meeting. For the past year, we’ve been busily preparing the various facets of the meeting behind the scenes and drafting a green travel plan for participants to minimise the environmental impact of attendees’ journeys to the island.