Category: Food

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What’s in season – April

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. It’s hard to imagine that it could escape anyone’s attention, with stalls along the roadside and the immensely popular Festa Frawli in Mġarr last weekend, but it’s strawberry time on our islands! Even though the...

Plastic packaging failing to prevent food waste crisis, new study finds

Plastic packaging failing to prevent food waste crisis, new study finds

Europeans produce amongst the highest amounts of plastic packaging waste globally A rise in plastic food packaging is failing to reduce Europe’s growing food waste problem, and in some cases may even be fuelling it, according to pioneering new research. [1] The study shows how annual per-capita use of plastic packaging has grown simultaneously with...

What’s in season – March

What’s in season – March

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. The globe artichoke, what a curious vegetable. So spiny and prickly on the outside, but when cooked, so soft and buttery inside. Keep your eyes peeled for fields full of these massive plants this month....

What’s in season – February

What’s in season – February

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. An odd one this month: fresh garlic, also known as green garlic or spring garlic. When we presented the AgroKatina report and pocket guides to the public during an event at Vincent’s Eco Farm, we...

What’s in season – Potato

What’s in season – Potato

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. Ah, the humble potato. If you go out for a stroll in the countryside you’ll surely see fields and fields of them growing, and the first harvests being brought in. Although admittedly there are more...


What’s in season – December

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. It’s almost winter, and almost Christmas, and next to all the merriment that brings, it also means the start of the local citrus season! Savor the delicious taste of local oranges, lemons and tangerines, and...

What’s in season – November

What’s in season – November

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. What vegetable is more emblematic of this period of the year than the mighty pumpkin? The clocks turning back last weekend and Halloween decorations all around herald the start of the darker period of the...

Agrokatina report

Friends of the Earth Malta launch the Agro Katina Report

Report on the local vegetable and fruit supply chain in Malta Friends of the Earth Malta today launched its Agro Katina report and shopping guide for customers through a round table event which brought together NGOs, academics, farmers and hospitality stakeholders to discuss the findings and recommendations. The report is the product of FoE Malta’s...

What’s in season – October

What’s in season – October

October 2017 Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. Later this month we will launch our Agro Katina pocket guide: a handy booklet showing when veggies and fruit are in season in Malta, folded small so you can carry it in your...

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