Our Climate Ambassador teachers have been busy getting their students engaged in activities as part of the Climate Early Project (Climate Early: Training For Primary Schools Teachers – Friends Of the Earth Malta (foemalta.org). From identifying local flora to outdoor nature treasure hunts to simulating marine pollution scenarios to card games on renewable energy, the...
Author: Sofia Bojkova (Sofia Bojkova)
Social PEAS – Short online course about Social Permaculture
What is Social Permaculture, and how can it be used as a tool in mental health and care work? The Social PEAS (Social Permaculture: Empowering an Active Society) project was created to develop permaculture training for professionals working with vulnerable adults, such as people suffering from mental health issues, people with physical and intellectual disabilities and (former) drug or alcohol users.
March Plant of the Month: White Hedge Nettle (MT: Tè Sqalli) Prasium majus
The White Hedge Nettle is a shrub of no more than a metre in height but which can also grow as a creeper. It is the only known species belonging to the genus Prasium.