Friends of the Earth Malta is once again supporting the Spot the Jellyfish initiative which aims to increase awareness, especially amongst the younger generations, about the local diversity of jellyfish species, through a hands-on exercise involving the reporting of sightings of jellyfish that often swarm close to our shores and beaches. In so doing the initiative would...
Author: Martin Galea De Giovanni (Martin Galea De Giovanni)
Palm Oil: Environmental destruction, stolen land
How we’re destroying the environment and human rights , one snack at a time. A delegation from the Supplychainge project consortium went to Indonesia during the summer of 2016 in order to investigate the palm oil supply chain. The result is a report that offers a summary of background information about palm oil and its problematic. The...
Spot the alien fish campaign
Friends of the Earth Malta is collaborating in a University of Malta citizen science campaign dealing with non-indigenous alien fish species. Headed by Prof. Alan Deidun (Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science), and with the co-operation of the International Ocean Institute, the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection...
Untangling the Bayer-Monsanto merger web
The food system is coming under increasing corporate control, and Europe’s industrial model of farming and food consumption is destroying people and the planet. The potential Bayer-Monsanto deal is one in a series of mergers in the agriculture-chemicals sector, with a Dow Chemical-DuPont deal and a Syngenta-ChemChina merger already approved by the European Commission. The...
Through the Lens – Nature exhibition
The final event of the Through the lens project will consist of an exhibition portraying the nature photography work taken in Malta’s Natura 2000 sites by our youth participants. The exhibition will open on Friday at 6pm (till 10pm) and Saturday from noon till 5pm at the MCVS Centre in Melita Street Valletta (click for directions)....
The battle to feed the world: David versus Goliath
Monday the 17th April marks the International Day of Peasant Struggles. These ‘peasants’, or paysan in French, are the millions of small farmers who currently produce the majority of the world’s food. They are the David struggling against the agribusiness Goliath – the large corporations consolidating control over global food production. There is little in...
Nature secret weapon in fight for better health
Research has found that failing to provide access to nature to deprived communities could entrench health inequality. A review of available evidence points to a strong link between lack of access to nature areas and poor health outcomes and inequality. It associates nature deprivation with higher obesity levels, mental health problems, and mortality rates. The...
Stop sacrificing nature & human rights to make cookies!
Friends of the Earth Malta has launched a petition under the European wide SUPPLY CHA!NGE project aimed at stopping abuse against nature and indigenous peoples in the supply chains of European businesses. The SUPPLY CHA!NGE project has looked at the international industries supplying Europe with cheap agricultural raw materials from the global south, and found...