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Prioritise people, not cars

Prioritise people, not cars

Photos by Steve Zammit Lupi Prioritise people, not cars This morning, three organisations – Moviment Graffitti, Friends of the Earth...

A fossil free future for the Maltese Islands, demands Friends of the Earth Malta

A fossil free future for the Maltese Islands, demands Friends of the Earth Malta

Friends of the Earth Malta publicly issued their demands for climate action and presented these to members of parliament upon arrival to their parliamentary session on Monday 14 November. Politicians, policy makers and the general public are asked to add their name to a growing list of signatories to demand a fossil free future for Malta. Join our call and add your voice!

Demand climate action now!

Demand climate action now!

Friends of the Earth Malta demand a fossil free future for Malta! Join our call and add your voice!

What could the energy transition mean for the Maltese Islands?

What could the energy transition mean for the Maltese Islands?

What is the clean energy transition, and what does it mean for the Maltese Islands? These questions were central during the two-day Clean Energy Academy being organised by the EU's secretariat 'Clean energy for EU islands' in Valletta on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 October.

Climate Campaigner speaks in parliament on  Renewable Energy in Malta

Climate Campaigner speaks in parliament on Renewable Energy in Malta

Friends of the Earth Malta's Climate Campaign Coordinator, Dr Suzanne Maas, was invited to speak on behalf of the organisation at the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUFORES) workshop on renewable energy and energy efficiency held at the Maltese Parliament.

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