Treasure Hunt for Environmental Superheroes

Treasure Hunt for Environmental Superheroes

A creative treasure hunt to celebrate Earth Week in a fun way! There will be food and farming games and challenges that we will have to solve and overcome together! The video we have created will be our virtual map for finding the treasure that needs to be protected at all costs…the clues will give you a hand!

Hap-pea Earth week: welcome!

Animal guide: draw your animal guide and keep it with you during the hunt…it will be useful!

Foody cards: pick the right cards of veggies and fruits that we have in April!

The bee-finger: create your personal bee and see which food is pollinated by it!

The intruders: can you distinguish between local and foreign food?

A matter of words: try to complete our word puzzles related to food, farming and nature!

Tongue-twisters get us crazy: it has never been so funny to talk about food and animals!

Sounds good: would you be a poet for one day? Complete the rhymes then!

Who am I?: if you are good at solving riddles, that’s the game for you!

Roots: connect each name to its definition as a root connects a plant to the ground!

The treasure: will you be able to recall all the clues and discover what the treasure is?

How to play:

  1. Download the PDF with the games HERE and print or else use another screen for it. Don’t start yet! We will let you know when you need them in the video.

  2. Watch the video below and pause whenever you need to.

  3. When you finish the game you will become an ENVIRONMENTAL SUPERHERO… download your certificate HERE

This action is part of the ACT4CAP, highlighting the importance of citizen involvement in agricultural policy to ensure healthy food and protection of our agricultural land. Do you want to do more? Visit us here 

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This action reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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