Ulex 22 – Adult Education

Through this collaboration with the Ulex Centre we sent 15 of our staff on a series of eight trainings at the Ulex Centre in Lleida, Spain, as part of our first year under successful accreditation.

These courses have been chosen and co-designed with the partner in order to begin to strategically address the needs and objectives laid. These objectives include:

  • The establishing of a long-lasting relationships with other local, regional and European adult educators to share skills and empower international efforts toward sustainability
  • Acquiring educational methods for building effective narratives and strategising
  • Acquiring innovative pedagogical methods and skills in collaboration and leadership
  • Improve our capacity to cater for diversity and create accessible learning spaces

This project falls under KA121 – Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education, vocational education and training, and adult education Index

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