We are happy to share with you the opportunity to take part in one of the ULEX trainings for social movement impact and resilience. There are 5 spots at 3 trainings which are happening in September-Octover 2023. Choose what interests you at most and contact sabela@foemalta.org for more info and applying.
Training 1. Regenerative Activism: Sustainable Organising
9-18 September (10 days), Catalunya, Spain. 1 place
This workshop offers a range of tools, collective and personal, which can make our activism more effective and sustainable. These methods can help us avoid burnout and stay in it for the long haul, adding continuity to our movement building. They can be used to ensure the collective and organisational dimensions of our activism exemplify the values we’re struggling for. A ‘regenerative’ approach goes beyond sustainability to explore how we can organise in ways that actually renew or revitalize our own resources and those of our groups – this can help us stay inspired, nourished, & more creative in our tactical approach.
Training 2. Strategy Training
23-30 September ( 8 days), Catalunya, Spain. 2 places
This training shares key tools and helps build skills for developing effective and responsive strategies. Using a hands-on and applied-experiential learning method, participants will learn to analyse contexts, create vision, identify opportunities and challenges, and develop responsive plans to move towards their objectives. At this crucial time for our social movements, the need for focused, well-crafted, and well-informed strategies couldn’t be more important.
Training 3. Integral Activist Training
23 September-1 October (9 days), Catalunya, Spain. 2 places
This Training aims to support activist-trainers who want to use holisitic methods of education and facilitation for activists and change makers.
Ulex Project courses and events use an Integral Activist Training approach. Recognising the interconnected nature of the personal, the interpersonal and the political, our trainings empower integrated transformation in all three spheres. This training for trainers will share what we’ve learnt about this kind of approach over the last 10 years, so you can apply it to your work.