The ‘Reshaping our Mobility’ initiative has only one objective, which is to implement a series of proposals aimed to alleviate traffic congestion. There is a total lack of vision, and hence the objective is extremely limited. The vision should be for mobility justice, ensuring that
everyone, including the vulnerable, have just access to mobility.
Sustainable mobility
What is our vision for a better transport system in Malta?
Today, road transport contributes to one-third of the total greenhouse gas emissions in Malta. To stop fueling the climate crisis and reduce carbon emissions, as well as the impact of air pollution on public health, road safety concerns and diminishing public space for anyone outside a car, we need to move away from planning only for cars.
Exactly because Malta is small and space is limited, we need to invest in cleaner and leaner modes of transport. The car is the least space-efficient mode of transport of all! The average commute in Malta is only 5.5km, therefore we need to invest in direct, safe, comfortable, attractive and connected infrastructure for walking and cycling so that the choice to go on foot or by bicycle for short trips is easy and obvious.
Friends of the Earth Malta are pushing the government to recognise the need of more socially just transport infrastructure which is safe and pleasant for pedestrians and micromobility users. The public transport services, such as buses and ferries, should be reliable and serve the diverse needs of the public and not the financial whims of private investors. More urban space shall be dedicated to communities rather than to the stowing of private vehicles.
In MICROMOBI project we aim to develop skills and raise awareness on the topic of micromobility, small human or electric powered mobility devices suitable for short urban trips. Increased uptake of micromobility is a key tool to reduce carbon emissions from transport, the main priority we are addressing through this project: to contribute to more environmentally friendly cities and fight against climate change.
The project combines training and skill-sharing activities that enable bottom-up and top-down change in the transition to micromobility: educating the users through micromobility and road safety training, repair cafes to teach skills and contribute to sustainability of materials, and training planners and professionals within organisations and entities to better plan for sustainable mobility, including micromobility, and contribute to improved road safety for vulnerable road users.
Bike About project
The Bike About project (04/2023 – 03/2024) was aimed at increasing the use of bicycles as part of our NGO work, promoting cycling and bicycle use amongst our volunteers, youth group and community, and teaching people the skill of cycling and bicycle repair.
By teaching people how to cycle and how to do so safely (for commuting to school or work) and by showcasing the use of an e-cargo bike to transport goods, we enabled and inspired more people to make the shift to cycling, for some or all of their trips. Cycling is a form of climate action! A reduction in private car use by shifting to cycling contributes to greenhouse gas emission reductions and improved quality of life in the locality and country.
In our commitment to supporting cyclists, we’ve created a bike repair kit available for public use for repairs or to borrow, at the FoEM Green Resource Centre. The kit includes:
– Pump, tube patches and various glues
– A helmet, high visibility vests and bicycle lights
– Multitool and tire levers
– Biodegradable degreaser, cleaner and lubricant
This service is available during office hours and when we have events at our Green Resource Centre in Floriana. Please send us a message via Facebook/Instagram before coming to ensure someone is in the office and able to provide you with the necessary tools.
Outside of our Green Resource Centre in Floriana you can find a secure parking space for your bike.
Climate publications
Prioritize Public Transport, Not Private Car Subsidies!
Government’s secret decision to shift European Union funds from electrification of public buses to private cars has not been communicated with or approved by the European Commission. Environmental NGOs Friends of the Earth Malta, Moviment Graffitti and Rota encourage people to speak up and sign the parliamentary petition to demand a democratic discussion on this proposed shift of public funding from public to private transport.
EU Competitiveness Compass must safeguard social and environmental protections
Friends of the Earth Malta is among over 270 civil society organisations, trade unions, consumer groups, farmers organisations, civil rights groups and environmental organisations representing millions of citizens, who call on European Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen to shun deregulation and prioritise the protection of people, nature, and democracy in its decision-making processes. This warning comes ahead of the announcement of the EU Competitiveness Compass, which is supposed to guide the EU's efforts in enhancing its "economic competitiveness".
Updates from the CALM-EY project
The EIB Climate Survey made the headlines earlier in November and it was quite a reality check (if anyone still needs one) with very worrying results showing that over 80% of Maltese fear they will be forced to move due to climate change while 99% recognise it is important for their country to adapt to these challenges. Climate anxiety is on the rise and many feel that not enough is being done. To address this rising trend Friends of the Earth Malta partnered up with environmental and mental health NGOs from Estonia, Germany and Denmark on the EU funded project CALM-EY: Coping with Climate Anxiety: Learning Methods for Mental Health for European Youth (2023-2025).
A Festive Bike Repair Cafe at University of Malta
On Tuesday 3 December Friends of the Earth Malta together with the Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development and a bike mechanic from The Cyclist organised a Bike Repair Cafe on campus at the University of Malta.
A Festive Bike Repair Cafe at University of Malta
On Tuesday 3 December Friends of the Earth Malta together with the Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development and a bike mechanic from The Cyclist organised a Bike Repair Cafe on campus at the University of Malta.
Malta’s high rise in greenhouse gas emissions: What does this mean for the green transition and how can we do better?
Climate change is here. 2023 was the hottest year on record. A 2ºC rise compared to pre-industrialised levels holds a dangerous consequence for the environment and what has been proved to contribute to the increase of temperatures is the rise of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions which are produced by human activity. Therefore, it’s crucial and urgent for global warming to stay below a 2ºC increase. Friends of the Earth Malta, alongside other environmental NGOs, advocate for a 1.5ºC target, in line with the Paris Agreement.
Sharing inspiring visions of a Fossil Free future for Malta through art, stories and music
Friends of the Earth Malta has brought together hopeful visions for Malta’s future in the creative zine ‘Imagining a Fossil Free Malta’, to share inspiration for a fossil free future for Malta.
Empowering Youth to Contribute to Their Communities through Social Permaculture
Monday 16 September marked the start of European Mobility Week (EMW) – the European Commission’s yearly awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility. However, we observed complete radio silence from our government, when the urgency to promote sustainable mobility in Malta has never been greater.
COP29: Opening Pandora’s Box for people and the planet
“The supposed ‘COP of climate finance’ has turned into the ‘COP of false solutions. The terrible deal on finance destroys the notion of historical responsibility of the rich big polluting countries and pushes private debt creating finance. Global North countries are no longer obligated to provide finance to the Global South as enshrined in the Paris Agreement. COP29 also put a final nail in the coffin, opening the door to the global carbon market and the disastrous impacts for communities and ecosystems. We have seen the impacts of these schemes: land grabs, Indigenous Peoples rights and human rights violations and more.”
How Azerbaijan’s Leadership Cast a Shadow Over COP29
“The supposed ‘COP of climate finance’ has turned into the ‘COP of false solutions. The terrible deal on finance destroys the notion of historical responsibility of the rich big polluting countries and pushes private debt creating finance. Global North countries are no longer obligated to provide finance to the Global South as enshrined in the Paris Agreement. COP29 also put a final nail in the coffin, opening the door to the global carbon market and the disastrous impacts for communities and ecosystems. We have seen the impacts of these schemes: land grabs, Indigenous Peoples rights and human rights violations and more.”
Why do people use micromobility?
Find out why Sergio moves around on rollerblades, Jonathan takes his kids to school by cargo bike, and Nazlican goes to work with an e-kick scooter. Let’s celebrate the multiple benefits of micromobility