The purple reign is here – as the saying goes … it’s time for thyme! The Mediterranean Thyme (MT: Sagħtar) Thymbra capitata is a hardy low growing and aromatic shrub protected by law but not from the relentless winds and long droughts which dominate its preferred habitat. The expanses of garigue have by now dried up...
Category: Environmental Education and Activism
Friends of the Earth wins climate case against Shell.
For the first time in history, a judge has held a corporation liable for causing dangerous climate change. Today, as a result of legal action brought by Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie) together with 17,000 co-plaintiffs and six other organisations the court in The Hague ruled that Shell must reduce its CO2 emissions by 45% within 10...
Urban permaculture and mental health during and after the pandemic
One can feel that Heaven is here on Earth, especially when we look at and consciously connect with Nature and its immense complexity and intelligence. Many of us who practise permaculture or organic gardening have known for a long time that being in Nature is healing and lifting the Spirit. Just this last year researchers from...
Have your say! Here’s an opportunity to ask questions to your elected representative!
Across Europe people’s lives are blighted by the same problems; inequality, precarious work, weakened public services, discrimination, powerlessness over decisions that affect our lives, and environmental destruction and pollution. We believe these problems are best tackled together. And that solidarity, cooperation and democracy are key to transforming our societies for the better. Throughout the month...
Have your say on the future of the EU!
The Conference on the Future of Europe aims to promote dialogue between citizens, experts and EU institutions. The recent launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe couldn’t come at a better time – across Europe people’s lives are blighted by the same problems; inequality, hardship, precarious work, weakened public services, discrimination, powerlessness over...
How can we have a better food system?
In recent years, EU citizens have become more sensitive to the effects of healthier food, especially from local and organic production chains[1]. It should be noted, though, that in general, healthier food products such as those from organic farming are not accessible to all populations. These products are often sold at a higher price than...
Better care for our Environment for better care of our Health.
It is safe to say that COVID-19 has had an impact on many people’s lives. Our physical and mental health have been affected, our social lives have taken the backseat and we have had to adapt to a new lifestyle in a short amount of time. However, COVID-19 has not only affected our ways of...
Flower of the month – May – Yellow flowers
May: Yellow flowers of the month As if to remind us of the upcoming sunny days the month of May sees several shrubs dress up in bright yellow – the colour of warmth and joy and also a great favourite amongst pollinators. These small shrubs are typical of garigue areas and some go as far...