Category: Climate Change

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People Power Up

People Power Up

The People Power Up project aims to power up Friends of the Earth Malta’s work on community energy. One of the main solutions we propose for our energy system – still 90% based on fossil fuels – is the idea of renewable energy communities, which are citizen-owned and democratic organisations that work on common renewable energy or energy efficiency projects.

Call for contributions – Contribute to our collaborative zine ‘Imagining a Fossil Free Malta’

Call for contributions – Contribute to our collaborative zine ‘Imagining a Fossil Free Malta’

Amidst news about heat waves, extreme weather events and climate chaos, it is easy to despair. However, there is nothing as powerful as collective action to show we are not alone and that solutions for a brighter future exist. 
Friends of the Earth Malta is bringing together hopeful visions for Malta’s future in a zine ‘Imagining a Fossil Free Malta’ to share inspiration and calls to action

Researching the potential for community energy in Malta

Researching the potential for community energy in Malta

A renewable energy community is a group that is legally formed and operates based on voluntary participation. It is controlled by individuals or organizations who are located near renewable energy projects owned by the community. The members of this community can be individuals, small businesses, or local government bodies such as municipalities.

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