Thursday night’s screening at the Saint James Cavalier Valletta of the global fishing film, “End of the Line”, went down with quite a storm. Government officials, including the Minister of the Environment, Honourable George Pullicino; NGO representatives, fishing industry representatives and the public were in attendance, and so were Charles Clover (the lead actor in...
Author: Friends of the Earth Malta (Friends of the Earth Malta)
Rally for Enforcement of Environmental Laws
Friends of the Earth Malta together with seven other environment groups are calling on the public to join a National Rally in Valletta on 13th March, to raise the issue of ongoing environmental abuse and lack of law enforcement. The rally in Valletta is aimed at calling on the government to effectively enforce existing laws...
European public let down by Maltese Commissioner
Commissioner Dalli Gives Green Light to GMOs A decision announced by John Dalli, Europe’s new health and consumer commissioner, to give the go ahead for genetically modified potatoes to be grown in Europe, has been condemned by Friends of the Earth Malta. The ‘Amflora’ potato, designed to produce starch for industrial purposes by Germany´s chemical...
MPs urged to Act Now!
During a symbolic action held on the day that parliament reconvened after the holiday recess, Friends of the Earth Malta urged MPs to keep climate change and other pressing environmental issues on top of their agenda. MPs were presented with an FoE Malta 2010 calendar, featuring images submitted by various local schools. The monthly images...
Climate Anti-Climax in Copenhagen
Hopenhagen turns into Copendisaster Commenting on the failure of rich country governments to secure a strong and fair UN agreement to tackle climate change in Copenhagen, Martin Galea De Giovanni Chairperson of Friends of the Earth Malta said: Politicians cannot call this outcome a success when in fact nothing meaningful has been agreed. Negotiations must...
Maltese Citizens Send Clear Message to World Leaders in Copenhagen
Thousands of activists from around the world including Malta have joined Friends of the Earth International’s demand for climate justice and an end to offsetting carbon emissions. A series of events were organised in Valletta today the 12th of December to coincide with the annual United Nations Climate Talks which are taking place this year...
Demand Climate Justice – Join us in Valletta
Make your voice heard! Join us in Valletta Million of supporters of Friends of the Earth International worldwide want the United Nations (UN) climate talks talking place until the 18 December to become a milestone towards ‘Climate Justice’, but the chances of achieving a just and effective UN agreement in Copenhagen are extremely slim. To...
EU: Up Your Targets at Copenhagen
Europe must commit to at least 40% emissions reductions by 2020 without offsetting Europe must commit to at least 40% reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 without offsetting, Friends of the Earth International urged today as European Heads of State meet in parallel to the UN climate negotiations in Copenhagen. The meeting of the...
Climate Action Day – ACT NOW
12.12.09 – Beat the Change Friends of the Earth Malta will be joining millions of people around the world in a bid to raise awareness on climate change. A series of events will be organised in Valletta on the 12th of December to coincide with the annual United Nations Climate Talks which are taking place...
Reforming Public Transport for a Greener Future
Friends of the Earth Malta welcomes the decision to reform the public transport system in Malta as a long awaited and much needed move for the country. Aiming for a more efficient system means more people may be willing to leave their cars at home and use this service. The benefits are widespread ,less traffic...