Climate Action Day – ACT NOW

Climate Action Day – ACT NOW
12.12.09 –  Beat the Change
Friends of the Earth Malta will be joining millions of people around the world in a bid to raise awareness on climate change. A series of events will be organised in Valletta on the 12th of December to coincide with the annual United Nations Climate Talks which are taking place this year in Copenhagen, Denmark. FoE_PR20091103_Climate_ActionThe day will kick off at 10:00 with the launch of a short film called “Beat the Change” at St. James Cavalier, and a forum discussion on climate change – “Beat the Change – Invest in climate solutions”. Local food will be served during this occasion. This event is free of charge, but seating is on first come first served basis.

This will be followed by a symbolic action whereby everyone who wants to be part of the change, is invited to meet us in Freedom Square Valletta at 11.30 to form part of a big ACT NOW made up of people. This image will be sent to politicians in Copenhagen together with similar pictures that Friends of the Earth Malta has already been collecting from schools and offices.

The Copenhagen Climate Talks are the world’s last chance to secure an emissions reductions agreement that will replace the Kyoto Protocol before it expires. There is a growing consensus among scientists that we have as little as ten years to stop and reverse the global growth in greenhouse gas emissions before ‘runaway’ climate change becomes uncontrollable. That means the international talks being held in Copenhagen in December 2009 could be our last chance to avert a global catastrophe of unimaginable proportions – perhaps the most important international meeting ever held. We feel therefore that there is an overwhelming need to demonstrate a global will for urgent and effective action at this time

We need strong leadership on climate change. Too many politicians are happy to speak about the issue, but their promises have often turned out to be just hot air. One exception is the United Kingdom, where a climate law has just been adopted, which will force the government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions every year. We need your help to ensure that other governments follow this example.

During the Copenhagen talks Friends of the Earth International campaigners will be lobbying negotiators and deliver a petition signed by more than 30,000 people urging world leaders to do the right thing in Copenhagen by effectively protecting our climate and people all over the world.

Date: 12.12.2009
Time: 10.00 – 13.00
Venue: St. James Cavalier and Freedom Square
Beat the Change 10.00 – Launch of Beat the Change short film and discussion:
Beat the Change – Invest in climate solutions
11.00 – Stand up reception
11.30 – Meeting at Freedom Square to spell out ACT NOW!
(In case of bad weather this event will also be held at St. James Cavalier)

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