The Friends of the Earth Malta Environmental Film Club is centred around thematic documentary and film screenings linked to current environmental justice issues. For the ĊINE’AMBJENT #3 session we will be looking at People Centred Urban Design. Who is allowed to shape our cities, and how do they do it? A dense population and steadily...
ĊINE’AMBJENT #2 — Transport and Sustainable Mobility
Friends of the Earth Malta is hosting their first Environmental Film Club. The 2019 Environmental Film Club will centre around thematic documentary and film screenings linked to current environmental justice issues. It is taking place every Friday from 18:00 to 20:30, starting on the 22nd Feb and run into May 2019. Shedding light on the local context, speakers actively...
ĊINE’AMBJENT #1 — Land Use
This event is now fully booked. We have other film club sessions over the next few weeks so you can still book now for them ! Find out more here This year Friends of the Earth Malta will be hosting their first Environmental Film Club in collaboration with Kinemastik. The 2019 Environmental Film Club will centre around...
ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE FILM CLUB This year Friends of the Earth Malta will be hosting their first Environmental Film Club in collaboration with Kinemastik. The 2019 Environmental Film Club will centre around 12 thematic documentary and film screenings linked to current environmental justice issues. It will take place every Friday from 18:00 to 20:30, starting on the 22nd Feb and run...