Dodging plastics at 33,000ft

Dodging plastics at 33,000ft

Half way through the plastic free pledge a new challenge came up; a trip to Brussels. A 5am flight meant that there was no time to prepare any snacks from beforehand, so desperate times demanded desperate measures and I ended up with the infamous (vegetarian pesto) baguette in plastic wrapping and plasticy cheese. Thankfully, the latter is somewhat digestible. One can always save on plastic and also have a better culinary experience by preparing some homemade food and munch away whilst flying over the Alps.

When it comes to meetings, this generally depends on the venue. In this case they didn’t offer reusable cups so one either has to go prepared with their own reusable mug and/or water flask. If not possible the least one can do is take one of the cups offered by the venue, write your name on it and keep using it for as long as possible.

One does have to be on the alert a bit more often though, for example one has to keep in mind that buying liquids from duty free will surely mean that you’ll end up with a sealed plastic bag which you can’t even reuse since you’ll have to tear it open eventually. Apart from a bit of pre-planning for the above, travelling plastic free shouldn’t create any major problems when compared to your daily plastic free life.

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