CALM-EY project

Coping with Climate Anxiety: Learning Methods for Mental Health for European Youth (2023-2025)

The project will develop knowledge for specialists working with youth on climate worry and its mental and social effects, providing the necessary tools to recognise climate-related anxiety and distress in young people and help them manage and alleviate it. The project will develop competencies and self-help methods for young people to be able to support their own mental health and wellbeing and increase their participation in civil society. The project will have the following key outputs:

  • Training programme for professionals working with youth on how climate worry
  • Train the trainers programme
  • Support groups for young people experiencing climate worry
  • Self-help material for young people.

If you are interested in staying updated or joining our work to tackle climate anxiety fill in the short form below!

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Erasmus+. Neither the European Union nor Erasmus+ can be held responsible for them.

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