The lending library provides an array of books (currently 130+ titles) related to topics on environment, activism, biodiversity, sustainable and regenerative agriculture, green lifestyles, cultural diversity and well-being. Books can be enjoyed outdoors at the on-site community garden (subject to Covid measures) or else borrowed (two books at a time). A deposit of Eur 10 is required for non-supporters wishing to take out books on loan. For more information on how to become a supporter click here.
Start browsing the library here:
Contact us on if you would like to visit the library or if you need more information.
Lending library

The Green Lending Library is located within the Friends of the Earth Malta Green Resource Centre in Floriana and it was set up in 2020 thanks to the financial support of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ through the Be Active Scheme – an initiative managed and administered by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ within the Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations.