Friends of the Earth Malta Empowers Youth with Cycling Workshop

Friends of the Earth Malta Empowers Youth with Cycling Workshop

Earlier this year, Friends of the Earth Malta (FoEM) kicked off its Youth and Environment Activism Programme. By organising a weekly Youth Hub session, the programme seeks to empower young people to become change-makers and activists within their communities whilst providing a platform for young individuals to develop skills in environmental, climate, and social justice while enjoying themselves and making new connections in a safe space. The programme is an Atlas Insurance Community Involvement Fund Project.

A special session was held to introduce youths to cycling. FoEM invited young people to participate in a cycling workshop organised with expert instructors from Freedom is a Bicycle where complete beginners had a chance to experience riding a bicycle for the first time. Other experienced youths could practise their skills and become more confident in their cycling while learning more about riding safely on the roads. This activity would not have been possible without having access to a safe outdoor space (an increasingly rare commodity) which was provided through the support of the Malta Public Transport and Transport Malta so that a section of the Floriana Bus Depot was reserved for the youths on bicycles.

“We’re so pleased to be funding this project which encourages youths to be more active in the community,” said Catherine Calleja, Executive Director and Chair of the Atlas Insurance Community Involvement Committee. “FoEM has an excellent track record when it comes to environmental activism, and we are confident that this programme will contribute towards reaching key Sustainable Development Goals in the long-term.”

The enthusiasm of the youths was contagious as they followed instructions and enjoyed different levels of difficulty in the cycling challenge. Some rode a bicycle for the very first time! The idea of the workshop proved successful in both getting youths to consider alternative means of transport as well as in getting exercise outdoors – two aspects which are very close to heart to FoEM’s values. The workshop highlighted once again the crucial need for safe outdoor spaces as youths lamented the fact that it is very difficult to find recreational spaces away from cars. 

Martin Galea de Giovanni the Director of FoEM explained, “As an organisation who works with youths on a regular basis, we urgently call on the relevant authorities to consider allocating car-free public spaces for outdoor activities like cycling.”

Weekly sessions are facilitated by professional youth workers from Generation (Change?), held every Thursday from 17:00 to 20:00 and are open to all 13-25 years old. To find more information about the next Youth Hub session visit 

The Youth and Environment Activism Programme is an Atlas Insurance Community Involvement Fund Project and supported by Agenzija Zghazagh through the INVEST Operational Grant 2023-2025.

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