Friends of the Earth Malta and Ecostack Innovations Launch Project to Protect Reptiles and Amphibians

Friends of the Earth Malta and Ecostack Innovations Launch Project to Protect Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and amphibians, collectively referred to as herpetofauna, confront significant challenges on a global scale. The reality of climate change disturbs their body temperatures, and human activities result in habitat loss, leaving them more vulnerable. Contrary to expectations, warmer climates do not necessarily benefit these creatures; instead, they find themselves navigating a perplexing maze to maintain comfort. Additionally, there exists a startling lack of awareness regarding the indispensable roles these animals fulfil within ecosystems. The relentless expansion of urban areas and ongoing development activities rapidly diminish their natural habitats. 

The project, titled HerpTrust, seeks to address these challenges locally. The project will develop an e-learning course on Human-Herpetofauna Interactions (HHI), providing participants with essential knowledge on conservation and coexistence and producing vocational educational materials for wider dissemination. Additionally, an interactive online tool will be created for countryside managers to access information on local herpetofauna species and engage in citizen science projects, contributing to ongoing monitoring and conservation efforts. 

Diverse stakeholders will be engaged throughout the project, including farmers, environmental scientists, civil servants, educators, and citizens, to assist in raising awareness and promoting actions for herpetofauna conservation. Those that are interested in becoming involved in the project are encouraged to reach out to learn about possibilities to become involved.

Anne Marie Apap   project coordinator at Friends of the Earth Malta  explains that ‘through this collaboration, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of herpetofauna conservation. We seek to empower individuals to contribute to their protection and the preservation of biodiversity.’

Friends of the Earth Malta and Ecostack Innovations are implementing this project in partnership with ANOIKTO PANEPISTIMIO KYPROU -OPEN UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS (Cyprus).

For further information about the HerpTrust project  and Friends of the Earth Malta’s conservation efforts, please contact Anne marie Apap at or visit

Image by Guido Bonett 

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