FoE Malta joins newly formed coalition to abolish spring hunting

FoE Malta joins newly formed coalition to abolish spring hunting

Friends of the Earth Malta joined the Coalition in favour of the abolition of spring hunting which has been established today [1].

Its objectives are to ensure that spring hunting is brought to an end in Malta as soon as possible.  The Coalition will do this through lobbying both in Malta and at a European level.

The Coalition has begun the collection of signatures for an abrogative referendum relative to spring hunting legislation [2].

The Coalition is focusing on the abolition of spring hunting because it is the time of year when birds are most vulnerable.  They are migrating through Malta on their way to breed.  A bird saved in spring has the chance to breed and increase the bird population.

The secretariat of the Coalition can be contacted at


[1] The Coalition is made up of eleven organisations: Alternattiva Demokratika, Birdlife Malta, Coalition for Animal Rights, Din l-Art Helwa, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Gaia Foundation, Moviment Graffiti, Greenhouse Malta, Nature Trust (Malta) and the Ramblers Association of Malta.

[2] The legislation the coalition is seeking to abolish is the “Framework for Allowing a Derogation Opening a Spring Hunting Season for Turtledove and Quail Regulations”(Subsidiary Legislation 504.94 – Legal Notice 221 of 2010)

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