Climate Early Teacher Training is launched in Malta

Climate Early Teacher Training is launched in Malta
On May, 3d, e kicked off the Climate Early Erasmus+ Teacher Training. We discussed Climate Change and responsibility followed by a painting activity about appreciating our beautiful earth! The painting activity is part of the toolkit for teachers which has been created as part of this project.

The Climate Early Teacher Training seeks to train primary school teachers on climate change topics namely climate and weather, energy, atmosphere, water, and biodiversity. A ‘Climate Early Toolkit’ consisting of 25 activities for primary-school-aged kids, has been created as part of the project. Throughout the teacher training teachers will gain more detailed knowledge on climate change and also get the opportunity to try out the activities from the Toolkit themselves. With this project, we hope to inspire teachers and in turn their students to become activists for climate action.

About the project

The CLIMATE EARLY project, is a small scale project that aims to merge the varying expertise of the consortium to advance knowledge on the environment among primary educators and students, raise awareness on issues that impact the environment upon which we all depend, as well as deliver actions to improve and sustain it.

The project objectives are to enhance the quality of early education teaching in deprived areas in environmentally conscientious ways and in the context of sustainable development. Considering there is a need to provide information and experiential experiences to children on important environmental issues, the project is being proposed at the right time, inspiring educators and students to become responsibly equipped for a better tomorrow, with greater environmental awareness.

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