(Maltese translation below)
Friends of the Earth Malta with the participation of Zminijetna – Voice of the Left, University of Malta Geographical Society (UMGS), Nature Trust, Malta Breast Feeding Foundation, Malta Medical Students’ Association (MMSA), Moviment Graffitti, Insite, BICREF and guest speakers Mr. Arnold Cassola, chairperson for Alternattiva Demokratika and the Honourable Leo Brincat Labour Party spokesperson for climate change, gathered in St George’s Square, Valletta on Global Climate Action Day of Saturday 6th December. The Honourable George Pullicino was also invited but could not attend since he is Poznan, Poland.
The Global Day of Action on Climate has occurred every year since 2005 at the time of the annual United Nations Talks on climate change. Movements and organisations from all around the world came together on the same day to demand action on climate justice from the governments of the world. This year’s talks are being held in Poznan, Poland. To view pictures from gatherings on Climate Action Day you may visit the website http://www.globalclimatecampaign.org in the coming week for updates of the events worldwide.
Immanuel Mifsud read poems from his and Adrian Grima’s recently launched Rih min-Nofsinhar, a collection of poems on climate change. Vince Fabri played songs on climate change and encouraged the audience to sing along to the lyrics of one of Immanuel Mifsud’s poems from Rih min-Nofsinhar.
Throughout the evening video clips were shown on climate change produced by FoE groups around Europe.
The cast of High School Musical Malta joined us to perform songs from the musical they will be staging at MCC this Christmas season.
A holistic initiative is needed to tackle climate change. If Malta continues to sleep on this we will be masking the consequences until it is too late to do something about it. Friends of the Earth Malta asks the government to Act Now on climate change.
For more information on our campaign The Climate is changing… are you? contact us at info@foemalta.org .
Friends of the Earth Malta thanks all the participants in this event, including its volunteers, who helped to make this event possible.
We encourage the public to send a letter to their District MPs and sign the petition asking for a strong law on Climate Change by visiting www.foemalta.org/bigask
Friends of the Earth Malta bil-partecipazzjoni ta’ Zminijetna – Lehen ix-xellug, is-Socjeta Geografika tal-Universita ta’ Malta (UMGS), Nature Trust, Malta Breast Feeding Foundation, Moviment Graffitti, Insite, BICREF, l-Assocjazzjoni tal-istudenti tal-Medicina Malta (MMSA) u l-kelliem Mr. Arnold Cassola, cerpersin ghal Alternattiva Demokratika u l-Onorevoli Leo Brincat kelliem ghall-Partit Laburista dwar it-tibdil tal-klima ingabru f’Pajzza San Gorg, il-Belt Valletta ghal Jum Dinji dwar it-Tibdil tal-Klima nhar is-Sibt 6 ta’ Dicembru. L-onorevoli George Pullicino ma setax jattendi ghax kien gewwa Poznan, Poland.
Il-jum Dinji dwar it-Tibdil tal-Klima ilha ssir mill-2005 waqt li jkunu ghaddejin il-laqghat tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti fuq it- tibdil tal-klima. Movimenti u organizzazjonijiet minn madwar id-dinja, iltaqghu f’dan il-jum biex iheggu lill-gvernijiet sabiex jiehdu azzjoni fuq il-klima. Din is-sena d-diskussjonijiet qeghdin isuru gewwa Poznan, Polonnja. Biex taraw ritratti mill-attivitajiet waqt jum Dinji dwar it-Tibdil tal-Klima tistghu tidhlu fis-sitt http://www.globalclimatecampaign.org fil-gimghat li gejjien.
Immanuel Mifsud qara’ poeziji mill-ktieb gdid Rih min-Nofsinhar, gabra ta’ poeziji miktubin flimkien ma’ Adrian Grima. L-attivita kompliet b’Vince Fabri idoqq diversi kanzunetti dwar it-tibdil tal-klima u fosthom Aqta’ fjura u ibni kamra, mehuda mill-poezija ta’ Immanuel Mifsud mill-ktieb Rih min-Nofsinhar.
Matul is-serata intwerew films qosra mahrugin minn gruppi Ewropej tal-Friends of the Earth.
Il-cast ta’ High School Musical Malta ghalqu din is-serata bil-kanzunetta We’re all in this together – silta mill-musical li se tkun ipprezentata l-MCC waqt il-festi tal-Milied.
Inizjattiva holistika hi bzonnjuza biex niggieldu t-tibdil tal-klima. Jekk Malta tibqa’ torqod fuq din se nkunu qeghdin naharbu mill-konsegwenzi sakemm imbaghad ikun tard wisq biex naghmlu xi haga dwarha. Friends of the Earth Malta theggegg lill-Gvern sabiex iqum u jaggixxi issa fuq it-tibdil tal-klima.
Ghal aktar informazzjoni dwar il-kampanja ta’ Friends of the Earth Malta il-Klima qed tinbidel… u int? ikkuntatjawna fuq info@foemalta.org .
Friends of the Earth Malta thanks all the participants in this event, including its volunteers, who helped to make this event possible.
Friends of the Earth Malta tirringrazzja lill-partecipanti f’din l-attivita, inkluz il-volontiera taghha, li ghinu biex issir din l-attivita.
Inheggu lil publiku sabiex jibghatu ittra lil Membri Parlamentarji tad-distrett taghhom, kif ukoll jiffirmaw il-petizzjoni biex tghaddi ligi dwar it-tibdil tal-klima, billi jidhlu fis-sit www.foemalta.org/bigask .
Friends of the Earth Malta is organising an evening of activities on Global Climate Action Day this Saturday 6th December from 5.00pm to 8.30pm in Palace Square, Valletta.
The Global Day of Action on Climate has occurred every year since 2005 at the time of the annual United Nations Talks on climate change. People from all around the world have come together on the same day to demand action on climate, and climate justice from the governments of the world. This year the talks are being held in Poznan, Poland.
Join us in Palace Square (St George’s Square), Valletta on Global Climate Action Day this Saturday where Friends of the Earth Malta is hosting a variety of events.
Friends of the Earth Malta will launch its position paper on Climate Change during a press conference at 5.00pm.
Immanuel Mifsud will be reading poems from his and Adrian Grima’s recently launched Rih min-Nofsinhar, a collection of poems on climate change. Vince Fabri will be playing songs on climate change and will also be singing one of Immanuel Mifsud’s poems from Rih min-Nofsinhar which you will be invited to join in.
Throughout the evening we will be showing video clips on climate change produced by FoE groups around Europe.
Guest speakers from local NGOs are invited to have their say on climate change throughout the evening.
The cast of High School Musical Malta will be joining us later in the evening to perform We’re all in this together – a song from the musical they will be stagingg at MCC this Christmas season. The cast have also generously accepted to give autographs to the public after their performance
You are invited to attend Climate Action Day in Palace Square, Valletta to sign our petition asking for a Climate Change Law, to learn more about climate change and to enjoy the entertainment and evening in Valletta. For more information kindly contact us info@foemalta.org .