Chamssane has joined us as a Communications Intern. Originally from France, she holds a Law Degree and a BTS in...

Kindly understand that all positions are unpaid. We are unfortunately unable to cover your expenses. Therefore, financial autonomy is necessary.
We might need support in diverse areas such as communications, policy support, project support, events organising, IT, etc… Feel free to suggest if you feel your area of expertise can fit in the work we do.
Chamssane has joined us as a Communications Intern. Originally from France, she holds a Law Degree and a BTS in...
Aleksandra, originally from Poland, has joined our team as a Farming, Agriculture and Biodiversity Intern.
You can contact send us your CV and motivation letter. In your letter, make sure you include the length of stay, what you feel you might bring to the team and what your areas of interest/missions are.
You can send this to If it is a speculative application, please use “speculative application for an internship position” as a subject line. If you are answering a call for interest, use the title of the position in the call.
Alternatively, you can fill in this form.
We receive many applications and might not be able to answer favourably to your request, but we appreciate your interest.