What’s in Season: April – Peas

The pea season is in full swing, so we can enjoy our favourite fresh green berries right from the garden for some time now. Let’s talk about peas in more detail.

Pulses or vegetables?

Someone may wonder where to place the peas correctly. Fresh green peas are an unripe seed that is close to vegetables. Whereas peas are fully mature seeds and belong to the group of legumes. In both forms it is beneficial for our organism and we can find a lot of valuable substances in it. Fresh peas contain 80% water. After drying, the peas have only 10% water. Drying will also change the ratio of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and increase its energy value. Fresh peas contain more water-soluble vitamins, mainly C and K, but less mineral substances.

What can we find in the peas?

Peas belong to foods naturally high in protein, fiber and carbohydrates. However, peas are also rich in folic acid, vitamins B (B1, B2, B3, B6) and vitamins C, E, K, as well as minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, zinc and iron.

Health effects of peas

Eating peas helps lower cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, promotes pancreas, and also helps prevent osteoporosis. It strengthens hair, bones, muscles, nerves and the heart itself. It is suitable for depression, frequent mood swings and nervousness. Pea is good for our eyes, keeps skin healthy, prevents wrinkles and increases the body’s defences.

Now instead of looking, let’s start cooking delicious pea soup!


Ingredients for 4 portions

  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 smaller potatoes
  • 300 grams of fresh peas
  • 700 ml vegetable broth
  • 1 tbs vegetable oil
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • fresh parsley to taste
  • 1 tbs lemon juice

For decoration:

  • olive oil
  • cream of your choice
  • blanched peas
  • chopped peanuts


  1. Peel onion and garlic cloves, potato and dice finely. Chopped parseley.
  2. Heat the oil in the pot and add onion and garlic. Stir occasionally and fry until golden.
  3. Then add peas, potatoes, parsley and vegetable broth. Season with salt, pepper to taste.
  4. Let it simmer and cook on low heat until the potatoes and peas are soft (for about 15 minutes)
  5. When ready, remove from heat, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and blend until the soup is smooth in texture.
  6. Pour pea soup on plates.Decorate with cream of your choice, drizzle of olive oil, teaspoon of chopped peanuts and serve!

This recipe was adopted from:  https://www.vibrantplate.com/5-ingredient-green-vegan-pea-soup/  🙂

Every month we feature a fruit or vegetable that is in season, along with a fun fact or recipe idea. We are currently working on a project, ACT4CAP, highlighting the importance of citizen involvement in agricultural policy to ensure healthy food and protection of our agricultural land. This project is a continuation of our previous work that was done through the Citizen’s CAP project and Agrokatina.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This article reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project is co-financed by the  Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) and the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisation.

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