Friends of the Earth Malta qed jikkollaboraw ma’ l-Iskola ta’ l-Arti biex jorganizzaw workshops informali bl-għan li jtejbu l-kommunikazzjoni u jsaħħu r-relazzjoni bejn ġenerazzjonijiet differenti. Se nirriflettu dwar kif spazji komunitarji jistgħu jaqdu lil nies ta’ kull età fis-soċjetà. Din l-attività se ssir nhar is-Sibt 17 ta’ Frar il-Malta School of Art, fil-Belt Valletta.
- ritratt qadim ta’ post f’Malta li għandu valur personali
- pniezel taż-żebgħa, jekk għandkom.
Friends of the Earth Malta in collaboration with Malta School of Art are organising an informal workshops that facilitates communication between people from different generations and develop a relationship with each other, their imminent space and reflect on how a community space can tailor for people of all age groups in society. This event will be held on Saturday the 17th of February at the Malta School of Art in Valletta.
Workshop Outline: The workshop will be divided into two parts: a story-telling and discussion session and a more creative, and hands-on session where media such as paints and clay will be used.
9:00–10:30 — For the story telling and discussion part of the workshop we will work in smaller groups. The elderly participants will describe a place in Malta with the aid of photographs that they bring with them and share personal sentiment associated with the space, how the location changed with time and what was the community value of the space. The children will also share what they enjoy in community spaces and what they want to see more of in localities in Malta. From this sharing they will develop the key points of what an ideal space would be like to cater both for the elderly and for the younger generation.
- an old photo of a place in Malta which has personal value.
- Paint Brushes that you may have.
If you would like to participate please fill in the form below
If you have any questions about the workshop, contact Anastasia on