Urban Cycling Training

Urban Cycling Training

On World Bicycle Day on 3rd June, we hosted an Urban Cycling Skills Training, aimed at boosting the confidence of cyclists!

The training started with a presentation and discussion with expert cyclists Joe Gatt and Mike Rosner, to learn about traffic rules and discuss tips and trick about how cyclists can keep themselves safe while cycling on the road. After the theory, it was time to put this into practice, with a cycle around Floriana and Valletta, where participants learned about road positioning, how to tackle roundabouts and how to ensure visibility in traffic.

To ensure safety of all participants, this training was limited to just 5 participants, to enable cycling as a group and provide tailored advice. The training was a success and participants learned new skills and boosted their confidence! This training will be organised again in autumn, interested people can send us a message to be kept informed.

This training was organised as part of our MICROMOBI project, in which we promote micromobility as a cool, fast and green alternative to the car dependent transport system we are stuck in. Read more about the project activities linked here.

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