FoEM is looking to subcontract a fundraising expert to help us set up a fundraising strategy.
We are a local environmental NGO campaigning and educating on environmental issues while providing alternatives. Here is more about us 

As a voluntary organisation, we feel the need to develop a well-thought-out, detailed fundraising strategy, including a plan with objectives and an action plan that details how to get there. The plan should present mitigation measures to address potential risks, in order to give the greatest chance of success. It is important that this is tailored to the voluntary sector.
Join us to work together on the projects which protect the environment! Please contact to provide a quotation for your service by Friday 3rd March 2023.
This project has been funded by the Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS) managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS) supported by the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights (MIVC)