Project Pancake Flora –

If you encounter the wild indigenous Honeysuckle around this time of year take a moment to get a close-up view of its dainty flowers and proceed to inhale the sweet scented air around it. Although it can act as a climbing shrub in maquis habitat, it is often seen as a stand-alone bush in the garigue. The outburst of pink and cream funnel shaped flowers abound between April and June and it is an attractive pollinator plant. In autumn this evergreen shrub will produce oval shaped orange berries.
The specific name “implexa” in latin means entwined – in reference to the habit of the stems’ growth.
“Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my arms …
So doth the woodbine the sweet honeysuckle
Gently entwist …” (William Shakespeare, Midsummer Night’s Dream)
Photos and text by Annalise Falzon
About Project PANCAKE:
As part of the Project PANCAKE (Plants and Nature Conveying Augmented Knowledge for Everyone) we are looking at a number of plant species chosen together with the deaf communities in Malta, Italy, Spain and UK to create new signs for plants which until now had never been described in sign language.
Check out our Community library for publications on local biodiversity!