Call for contributions – Contribute to our collaborative zine ‘Imagining a Fossil Free Malta’

Call for contributions – Contribute to our collaborative zine ‘Imagining a Fossil Free Malta’

​​Call for contributions – Contribute to our collaborative zine ‘Imagining a Fossil Free Malta’ 


Amidst news about heat waves, extreme weather events and climate chaos, it is easy to despair. However, there is nothing as powerful as collective action to show we are not alone and that solutions for a brighter future exist. 


Friends of the Earth Malta is bringing together hopeful visions for Malta’s future in a zine ‘Imagining a Fossil Free Malta’ to share inspiration and calls to action. The zine will be designed by a graphic designer and printed on high-quality paper in colour. 


We welcome art, photography, essays, poetry, collages or other forms of artistic and academic expression, responding to the question: How do you imagine a fossil-free Malta?


Conditions for submissions and the selection of contributions:


  • People who are interested to contribute work to the zine, are asked to provide a sample/excerpt of the proposed work by filling out the form below by the 13 September 2024. 
  • The selection will be communicated in September 2024. If selected, the final work can be between 1-4 pages A5. The deadline for the submission of the final work will be by the end of October 2024. 
  • In recognition for their work, contributors who are selected for inclusion in the zine will receive 3 free copies as well as a Friends of the Earth Malta tote bag with some of our publications and eco-friendly items. They will also be invited to the launch event of the zine, planned for December 2024. 


Join us in imagining a fossil free future for Malta!

Donate now!