A look back at our Community Garden session with Social Permaculture workshop

Let’s take a look back at last Saturday’s Community Garden session on Saturday afternoon 23 March. This month’s community garden session featured a Social Permaculture workshop, as it was the multiplier event for the Social PEAS project. Thanks to the 35 amazing participants who joined us in our community garden. Together, we dove into the heart of sustainability and connection.

We prepared soil mix with recycled coconut coir and mushroom peat, sourced locally from farmers. Then, we planted different fruit trees to be able to grow and harvest a variety of fruits in the future, as well as seasonal veggies. We also added more endemic and climate-resilient plants to our herb garden, enriching our green space with diversity.

Participants also toured our garden, including our composting bins, our worm farm, garden ponds, water harvesting tanks, and nursery areas. And during a well-deserved coffee break, Social PEAS project manager, Dr. Suzanne Maas, introduced the concepts of permaculture and the online course developed on Social Permaculture as part of the project.

The Social PEAS project is led by Friends of the Earth Cyprus, in collaboration with Friends of the Earth Malta, Fundación Intras (Spain), Conscious Ageing – Hekate Foundation (the Netherlands), Promimpresa (Italy) and ICEP, the Institute of European Certification of Personnel (Slovakia).

The Social PEAS project is co-funded by the EU.

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