Author: Friends of the Earth Malta (Friends of the Earth Malta)

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Environmental NGOs shocked on how Mepa gave green light for environmental degradation to occur in the Natura 2000 Site – Dwejra

Environmental NGOs shocked on how Mepa gave green light for environmental degradation to occur in the Natura 2000 Site – Dwejra

The environmental NGOs Nature Trust (Malta), Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Din L-Art Helwa, Ramblers Association BirdLife Malta and Friends of the Earth Malta are appalled by the way filming was being allowed in the Natura 2000 site at Dwejra in Gozo, with the depositing of tonnes of sand over the protected Dwejra rock-face. This activity...

MEPA Rewards Illegalities

MEPA Rewards Illegalities

The environment NGOs Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, NatureTrust Malta and Ramblers’ Association of Malta are pleased to note that MEPA reform is picking up momentum; the MEPA Reform Act has now become law and the Environment Protection Department is being strengthened by an additional 45 staff members. Moreover an Environment...

Armier and White Rocks

Armier and White Rocks

The Prime Minister was recently criticized for stating that government was not spending a penny in return for a state-of-the-art sports complex at White Rocks, Pembroke, for, as many pointed out, the public land being offered to the developers is worth millions of Euros. In addition to monitoring this project due to its proximity to...

NGO Reaction To Hondoq Ir-Rummien Project

NGO Reaction To Hondoq Ir-Rummien Project

The environment and heritage NGOs Archaeological Society Malta, Flimkien g?al Ambjent A?jar, Friends of the Earth Malta, GAIA Foundation, Moviment ?arsien ?ondoq and Ramblers Association maintain that the credibility of the Eco-Gozo campaign hangs in the balance as the Qala Creek project to build a hotel, approximately 250 residences and a yacht marina in the...

Delimara Power Station Threat to Public Health

Delimara Power Station Threat to Public Health

The environment NGOs, Friends of the Earth Malta, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Nature Trust (Malta), Ramblers Association Malta, Gaia Foundation and Sahhambjent are greatly concerned by the major public health issues involved in the emissions of the proposed Delimara Power Station extension to be run on heavy fuel oil. This technology demands that there be...

Seven Environmental NGOs call on the Government and the Opposition to unite on the Hunting issue

Seven Environmental NGOs call on the Government and the Opposition to unite on the Hunting issue

The Environment NGOs Din L-Art Helwa, Flimkien g©¤al Ambjent A©¤jar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Gaia Foundation, Malta Organic Agriculture Movement, Nature Trust (Malta) and Ramblers Association Malta express their deep concern on the issues related to the opening of Spring Hunting in the Maltese Islands by the local authorities and the behaviour of some...

Environment NGOs Condemn Government’s Decision on Spring Hunting

Environment NGOs Condemn Government’s Decision on Spring Hunting

The NGOs Din L-Art Helwa, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Malta Organic Agriculture Movement, Nature Trust (Malta) and Ramblers’ Association Malta support BirdLife Malta in condemning the government’s decision to open another spring hunting season despite the European Court of Justice ruling of last September which concluded that Malta did not...

Sanctioning of Dwejra boathouse abuse

Sanctioning of Dwejra boathouse abuse

The environment NGOs BirdLife Malta, Friends of the Earth Malta, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Gaia, NatureTrust and Ramblers Association of Malta express their concern that on Thursday April 8, Mepa will consider 16 applications for the sanctioning of works at the boathouse area of Dwejra, Gozo. A request for sanctioning means that structures, which have...

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