Climate of Change - Sign the petition!
We are facing one of the most turbulent decades in modern times. All signals tell us that the existing order is a long-term threat to humankind and the environment. To ensure a future for everyone, the moment to call for systemic change and climate justice is now. We are collecting signatures for an EU-wide petition demanding systemic change and climate justice. Read our demands and sign the petition now!
Join the Climate Action Camp
As part of the Climate of Change Project we will be holding a weekend live-in camp to learn all about climate action! We will be hosting workshops about activism, campaigning tactics, the intersection between migration and climate change, and we will be going on a night hike and rock climbing too! Click on the button below for more information and to sign up!
Our farmers have something to tell you, and you can listen to it in our own podcast series! Through our podcast series Kelmiet il – Bejjiet (farmer who prepares holes in the soil in which s/he sows the seeds), we explore the daily realities of those within the farming sector in the Maltese islands, and their familiarity and own experience with the Common Agricultural Policy. This is done by Friends of the Earth Malta in the effort to continue to bridge the gap between farmers and urban citizens towards a shorter food supply chain.
Friends of the Earth Malta and Generation (Change?) are very happy to see the group of young people hang out, relax, learn and play games together in our weekly Yeah Youth Hub. This month, we have an open month, where youngsters can decide amongst themselves what they want to discuss and do. Each last session of the month, we have a delicious barbecue that is jointly arranged by the group, FoEM and Generation (Change?). So pop by, learn more and enjoy the beautiful Maltese evenings together!
Click below to register.
What do Maltese people think of local food?
In April, Friends of the Earth Malta launched ‘Food for Thought’, a poll designed to gauge people’s insight into the Common Agricultural Policy, and personal preferences towards local farming and produce. There were 487 of you! Your information was used to write an article about what locals think of local food. Click on the link to read the full article!
Flower of the month
This August, we will give special attention to the Aleppo Pine (MT: Siġra taż-Żnuber) - Pinus halepensis. The Aleppo Pine can grow up to 20m high and it does not flower but produces cones which are either male or female. Male cones form in clusters while female cones (on the same tree) take 3 years to mature. It is around this time of year, on very hot days, that one can sometimes hear the cones cracking open to release the winged seeds. Seeds can be kept in dry conditions and sown in February to help grow some more drought-resistant trees for the future. Read more about this tree in our latest Flower of the Month article!
Following the comments by Malta's Transport Minister who was quoted as saying that 'efficiency for cars comes first' and that “there was nothing more they could do to accommodate cycling further”, here are our suggestions of things the Minister can do to promote cycling and other forms of sustainable mobility...
FoEM in Spain
This month, Friends of the Earth Malta was in Valladolid (Spain) for a meeting of our Social Peas project to learn more about the permaculture garden of Fundación Intras and how to use permaculture as a tool for therapy and wellbeing when working with vulnerable adults.
FoEM for ENgage Project
Friends of the Earth Malta (FoEM) earlier this month was part of a panel discussion during a national workshop of the ENgage project: ”Standards Supporting Circular Economy Initiatives” hosted by the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA).
FoEM in Comino
The Friends of the Earth Malta team has recently spent some time on Comino to discuss and fine-tune our project plans to restore the Old Bakery into an environmental interpretation centre. Read more about what we do, which plans we have for Comino and how you can support us below!
Every donation, no matter how small, is an invaluable contribution towards Friends of the Earth Malta's work.