Will Europe take adequate climate action in the next 5 years? Will the controversial TTIP trade talks between the EU and US be resurrected? Will refugees and migrants be welcomed humanely? Or will the alarming erosion of democracy and rule of law already happening in some countries spread? Critical questions like these will be answered by the European elections in May.
‘What do you want your generation to be remembered for?’
Interview with Perit Tara Cassar
It is quite impossible to escape the odd towers popping up all over Malta, they are beginning to populate every town and village on the Maltese islands. These concrete blocks stick out in the middle of a row of two-storey homes, or sit side-by-side to an undeveloped field. They force you to ask the simple question, who granted permission for this obscenity? This month I spoke to Tara Cassar, an architect, whose central focus is advocating for better planning...
Meet Michelle and Michelangelo Galea – two young agriculture enthusiasts.
"Growing food has become our passion. The journey started when my husband Michelangelo and I decided to have a go at growing broad beans. Years later we are growing a variety of organic fruits and vegetables for ourselves and our family, looking at the idea of food growth in a more holistic manner, making sustainability a top priority".
Environmental Film Festival
A two-day dose of Environmental Justice. Join us for two afternoons of workshops and evenings of film screenings at the Ċine’Ambjent 2019 Film Festival in Floriana.
Do you have a short film related to the environment you would like to put forward? If so, kindly click the 'submit film' button below to get involved.
Sustainable Cooking Workshop with Healthylicious
As part of the Erasmus+ Growing Together project, Friends of the Earth Malta together with Healthylicious will be hosting a Sustainable Cooking Workshop on Saturday, 27th April from 14:00 – 17:00. The workshop will be held at St. Elias College, Misrah Santa Venera, St. Venera, Malta.
Sustainable Farming & Permaculture with Peppi (3 Sessions)
As part of the Erasmus+ Growing Together project, Friends of the Earth Malta together with Peppi Gauci from Permaculture Malta will be hosting 12 youths at his Bahrija Oasis for 3 hands-on, immersive sessions on the 27th April, 11th May and 18th May 2019. These sessions are 3 hours long and will all begin at 10am sharp and end at 1pm.
Aquaponic Farm Visit & Mini Hydroponic Workshop
As part of the Erasmus+ Growing Together project, the innovative startup Peas Unlimited will be hosting 15 lucky youths at their roof top aquaponic farm followed by a Mini Hydroponic Workshop on Saturday 4th May at 10am until 14:00. This is an opportunity not to be missed for those people who always wanted to learn the ins and outs of aquaponics as well as hydroponics which our hosts Alex will be able to discuss in detail during the Q&A session.
The Future of Europe Workshop
The MEP (Members of the European Parliament) Elections are coming up very very soon - 25th May 2019 and we want YOU to the VOTER to feel knowledgable and empowered. That's why Friends of the Earth Malta will be hosting 55 participants on Saturday 4th May from 14:30 to 18:00 at our Green Resource Centre in Floriana for a jam-packed afternoon filled with networking, discussions and brainstorming focused on our current environmental situation and how we want future MEP candidates to act on our behalf.
Judicial protest filed calling for immediate publication of tunnel studies
Friends of the Earth Malta together with eleven other organisations representing a broad spectrum of society filed a judicial protest against the Minister for Transport and the Planning Authority to reveal all studies pertaining to the proposed tunnel between Malta and Gozo. They also asked for the carrying out of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) as required by national and EU laws.
What's in Season - April
Stuffed artichokes are a classic Maltese recipe. They are usually stuffed with a variety of Maltese food staples: breadcrumbs, parsley, olives, capers, garlic and olive oil. Anchovies or tuna are also often added into the mix, but for a vegetarian variant we suggest adding some sun-dried tomatoes, which provide a kick of sour and salty flavour.
Become A Supporter!
Last year was a successful year for Friends of the Earth Malta and this was mainly due to our very generous donors! We have updated our Supporter Tiers and rates for 2019 and are pleased to share them with all our followers...
Every donation, no matter how small, is an invaluable contribution towards Friends of the Earth Malta's work.