Friends of the Earth Malta recently launched a short animated video about the proposed Melita gas pipeline during our public event last month. Our concerns over continued investment in fossil fuels and to propose that public money should instead be invested in renewables, energy savings and community energy were highlighted and discussed afterwards.
ACT NOW! if you also believe that the proposed gas pipeline will lock Malta into a fossil fuel future which goes contrary to global, EU and national climate targets - send a postcard to the Minister to ask for a fossil-free Malta!
And we have the winners! Following our online quiz on food and farming, we randomly picked two winners of the €100 vouchers! Congratulations to Dijana and Rachel who will now be able to enjoy fair traded products and local seasonal produce from CORE GREEN and the Veg Box.
Let’s say YES to good food and good farming! Click on the button below to read more about it.
Ucuh Tar-raba' Exhibition - Booklet now available
Following our successful photography exhibition featuring the work of Darrin Zammit Lupi, who visited farmers around the islands of Malta, their life stories have now been published in a book with text from the interviews done by Maria Eileen Fsadni. You can now order a copy of the book, which takes you on an intimate journey around 10 Maltese farms - you can meet Joe, George, Maria, Cane, Louis, Ganni, Mario, Stephen & Antoinette Emanuela, and Pawlu, Joseph & Leli.
Only a limited number of copies are available and this is a one-time print.
Friends of the Earth Malta and Generation (Change?) are very happy to see the group of young people grow after our first month and are excited for the upcoming sessions and its associated themes. YEAH Youth Hub is the place in Malta for youngsters to relax, meet others, chill and to listen to music. This month's theme is Gender, Patriarchal Societies and LGBTGI+ Rights. Pop by and and learn more!
Click below to register.
Project Assistant - Climate campaign (Ref: 2022-01)
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Friends of the Earth Malta (FoE Malta) is looking for a Project Assistant to work on our Climate Campaign. This is a temporary position for 8 months, from July 2022 until February 2023. You will be supporting the Climate Campaign team with policy analysis, communications, project management and event organisation. You will be working in…
Event Coordinator (part-time) - Climate campaign (Ref: 2022-02)
Friends of the Earth Malta (FoE Malta) is looking for a part-time (0.5 FTE) Event Coordinator to work on event coordination as part of our Climate Campaign. This is a temporary position for 8 months, from July 2022 until February 2023. You will be responsible for coordinating events, which will include an activist camp, a…
How can European policy detoxify our agriculture?
Through different systems and technologies, farmers have been able to produce food in increasingly efficient ways. Yet, this has led to an industrial system which is harming our health and environment.
Flower of the Month: Maltese Rock Centaury
Continuing with our list of Flora being interpreted into sign language comes the floral queen of the Maltese Islands – the National Plant of Malta. A well deserved entry into the dictionary of Maltese Sign Language! In flower from around May till July the violet flowerheads and its fleshy leaves brighten up the limestone cliffs and valleys of the western part of Malta and the southern side of Gozo. This expert of living on the edge is endemic – unique to our islands and its Maltese name indicates its predilection for coastal areas.
We have hopped onto the trend of TikTok, so make sure to watch our videos about what we do daily and our projects, but also to see some lovely Maltese trees, plants and flowers. Nature is thriving and we are capturing it! Click on the link below to view our videos and to follow us.
Every donation, no matter how small, is an invaluable contribution towards Friends of the Earth Malta's work.