Newsletter - June 2017
Activities & Announcements
PR20170508 - Proposals (Manoel Island)

Elections 2017: FoE Malta calls on political parties to safeguard our wellbeing

Friends of the Earth Malta has been calling for environmental improvements since 1985 and 30 years on we face much greater problems than we did then. While environmental awareness has increased, Malta faces a variety of environmental problems related to land use, waste, transport, agriculture, energy, the sea, and biodiversity.

Friends of the Earth Malta intends to be at the vanguard of environmental and biodiversity protection as it has in the past. In view of the severe environmental threats facing the Maltese Islands, FoE Malta is making as series of proposals to be taken up by the political parties in time for the upcoming elections.

We all need nature and a healthy living environment in our lives, it gives us freedom and helps us live healthily; yet deprived communities are routinely cut off from nature in their surroundings and it’s suffocating for our well-being as a nation.


Therapy through Nature project kicks off with gardening workshop & clean-up

Therapy through Nature project kicks off with gardening workshop & clean-up 

The first half of May saw the kick-off of the project with the first workshop, on garden design and gardening basics, delivered by landscape architect Antoine Gatt, as well as a clean-up of the Villa Chelsea garden, supported by FoE Malta staff and volunteers, and a group of MCAST students.

The Therapy through Nature project will see the organization of a number of hands-on workshops for the clients and staff of Villa Chelsea and the wider community, about the basics of vegetable gardening, composting, water use and water saving, organic gardening and permaculture, seed saving and plant propagation, ways to attract pollinators in the garden, and the preparation of fresh, healthy food from a kitchen garden.


Seen an Alien Fish ? Spot the Alien Fish campaign launched

  Spot the alien fish campaign

Friends of the Earth Malta is collaborating in a University of Malta citizen science campaign dealing with non-indigenous alien fish species.

Download the poster and stay on the lookout for alien fish this Summer...

Featured Articles

Untangling the Bayer-Monsanto merger web

Untangling the Bayer-Monsanto merger web 

The food system is coming under increasing corporate control, and Europe's industrial model of farming and food consumption is destroying people and the planet.

The food system is coming under increasing corporate control, and Europe’s industrial model of farming and food consumption is destroying people and the planet.

Agribusiness corporations like Bayer and Monsanto continue to promote an industrial model of agriculture that is destroying soils, water supplies, rural communities and biodiversity, promoting climate change, and is slowly turning the Earth into a desert. They are not feeding the majority of people worldwide, as they would like to think, rather the opposite – threatening long-term global food security for the sake of profits.


Everything you need to know about the SUPPLY CHA!NGE project

Everything you need to know about the SUPPLY CHA!NGE project 

In January 2015 we joined 28 civil society organizations from across Europe as well as partners from the Global South to challenge super markets to stock fair and sustainable ‘own brand’ products. 

The Supply Cha!nge project has seen us engage with retail professionals, EU policy makers and consumers alike with the mission to identify and promote best practice procedures.


Nature Keeper of the Month - Anne-Line Thingnes Førsund (Norway)

Keepers is an FoE Europe photographic exploration of a diverse network of people protecting nature across Europe. It highlights the tireless efforts made by activists and volunteers to undo the damage done to Europe’s precious ecosystems by irresponsible human activity. Click here to find out more about Anne-Line and her campaign to save the Førdefjord.


Voluntary Work


Friends of the Earth Malta maintains a steady flow of very diverse projects and campaigns throughout the course of the year. Despite the fact that the team manages every aspect of these projects, we are always looking for individuals that want to lend a hand...


Every donation, no matter how small, is an invaluable contribution towards Friends of the Earth Malta’s work.