Newsletter - May 2017
Activities & Announcements

Nature Therapy

Nature Therapy 

Through our Nature is our Right campaign we are embarking on a Therapy through nature project with communities supporting clients with mental and physical health problems. Clients, their teachers and parents are being engaged in nature therapy activities, including the creation and upkeep of a community edible garden, pollinator friendly areas and bee keeping. The clients are also being encouraged to carry out hands-on work each week in the area. We are currently looking for volunteers mainly to help with the upkeeping of the garden. Should you be interested in supporting us we'll be happy to hear from you.


Through the Lens - Nature exhibition - Friday 5th May

  Through the Lens - Nature exhibition

The final event of the Through the lens project will consist of an exhibition portraying the nature photography work taken in Malta's Natura 2000 sites by our youth participants. The exhibition will open on Friday 5th May at 7pm and…


Petition: Stop sacrificing nature & human rights to make cookies!

Stop sacrificing nature & human rights to make cookies! 

Friends of the Earth Malta has launched a petition under the European wide SUPPLY CHA!NGE project aimed at stopping abuse against nature and indigenous peoples in the supply chains of European businesses.

The SUPPLY CHA!NGE project has looked at the international industries supplying Europe with cheap agricultural…

Featured Articles
Nature secret weapon in fight for better health

Nature secret weapon in fight for better health

Research has found that failing to provide access to nature to deprived communities could entrench health inequality...

The battle to feed the world: David versus Goliath

The battle to feed the world: David versus Goliath

Small farmers who currently produce the majority of the world's food. They are the David struggling against the agribusiness Goliath – the large corporations…


Nature Keeper of the Month - Carmen Chetcuti (Malta)

Keepers is an FoE Europe photographic exploration of a diverse network of people protecting nature across Europe. It highlights the tireless efforts made by activists and volunteers to undo the damage done to Europe’s precious ecosystems by irresponsible human activity. Click here to find out more about Carmen.


6 ways to contribute towards a better society and environment


Friends of the Earth Malta is a Maltese NGO that consists of a passionate team of staff and volunteers, and a board of individuals that work together to achieve the organisation’s mission and spread its core values. However, our work would not be a success…


Every donation, no matter how small, is an invaluable contribution towards Friends of the Earth Malta’s work.