March 2018

FoE Malta recommends holistic policy for trees


FoE Malta is recommending the creation of a holistic policy and legislative framework that puts these benefits upfront and has as its core aim to increase and promote trees and woodlands on our islands, not merely to minimise damage inflicted on trees and woodlands.…

Featured Articles

Ecofeminism: For Emancipation Of Women And The Planet

It is through re-establishing compassionate connections between people and abolishing the social hierarchy that nature can once again be valued. This could advance to a shift in core values toward prioritising of quality of life and the wellbeing of our communities over wealth accumulation and expansion economics...


The buzz about bees

For a few years now, Friends of the Earth Malta has been organising the BeeAware course, a collection of lectures and practical sessions aimed at providing aspiring beekeepers and those interested to learn more about bees and pollinators with practical information, scientific background and knowledge from…
maghtab mount

The national waste dilemma

Għallis, the last remaining engineered landfill in Malta is filling to the brim and it is a matter of months, not years until it reaches its capacity and there will be nowhere else to dump our municipal waste. This does not come as a surprise – Friends…

Activities and Events

Zero Waste Camp – Save the Date


We are organising a two day live-in activist camp/workshop from Saturday 24th to Sunday 25th of March. The scope of the event is to learn how to cut down on plastic use and waste-generation on a personal level and also how we can take action to move towards a zero-waste society. 


Repair Cafe


Join us on Sunday 25th of March. We will launch a repair cafe with 4 repair stations, one for clothes repair, one for bicycle repair, one for electronic repair, and one for up-cycling items from trash to treasure. 


Networking evening


We invite people from all backgrounds who are already working (or are interested in becoming active) in the area of waste reduction, circular economy, plastic pollution, clean-ups, marine litter and other related topics, to a Networking Evening. Saturday 24th March at 19:30.


Clean Up Delimara


As part of the Zero Waste Camp we are going to clean up an area in the vicinity. Let's take action together and clean up Delimara. Join us on Sunday 25th March at 9am. 

What's in Season?

What's in season - March

The globe artichoke, what a curious vegetable. So spiny and prickly on the outside, but when cooked, so soft and buttery inside. Keep your eyes peeled for fields full of these massive plants this month. If you’re not sure what to look for, think of a giant thistle. It is no surprise that they resemble this bristly flora, as they are both part of the same group of plants with prickly stems and leaves, members of the Asteraceae family.…


Nature Keeper of the Month - Heidrun Heidecke (Germany)

Keepers is an FoE Europe photographic exploration of a diverse network of people protecting nature across Europe. It highlights the tireless efforts made by activists and volunteers to undo the damage done to Europe's precious ecosystems by irresponsible human activity. Click here to find out more about Heidrun Heidecke and her hard work to restore nature and give people a chance to experience the value of wildness.


Green Resource Centre Fund

Green Resource Centre fund 

We are currently looking for your generous support in order to help us develop the first voluntary run service in Malta specifically aimed to assist members of the public with legal and generic aid on environmental related matters. Members of the public will be provided with expertise…


Become a Member


At Friends of the Earth Malta, we know that there are some people that enjoy supporting local NGOs but not necessarily taking...


Every donation, no matter how small, is an invaluable contribution towards Friends of the Earth Malta's work.
